
  • 穆珍珍,赵景波,徐娜,姚兰,李雨霞,孟静静.西安市雁塔区冬季可吸入颗粒物时空变化研究[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(7):1509-1516

  • 西安市雁塔区冬季可吸入颗粒物时空变化研究
  • Vertical and temporal variation of PM10 in Yanta District, Xi'an during winter
  • 基金项目:国家大学生创新性实验计划项目(No.091071813);国家科技部科技支撑项目(No.2007BAC30B01)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 穆珍珍
  • 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 西安 710062
  • 赵景波
  • 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 西安 710062
  • 徐娜
  • 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 西安 710062
  • 姚兰
  • 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 西安 710062
  • 李雨霞
  • 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 西安 710062
  • 孟静静
  • 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院, 西安 710062
  • 摘要:为了查明西安市雁塔文教区冬季可吸入颗粒物在高度上的变化特征,以及各高度处质量浓度随时间的变化情况,于2010年1月22日至29日对雁塔区陕西师范大学家属区内的4座高层楼进行了6 d的PM10质量浓度监测.结果表明:西安市南郊环境较好的文教区冬季可吸入颗粒物在1 m、45~57 m高度处的浓度值较低,1 m处的浓度变化范围为0.005~0.080 mg · m-3,平均为0.037 mg · m-3,45~57 m高度处的浓度变化范围为0~0.095 mg · m-3,平均为0.038 mg · m-3;3~27 m处的浓度较高,变化范围为0.030~0.180 mg · m-3,平均为0.076 mg · m-3;PM10质量浓度随时间的日变化特征呈现双峰型,即上午和夜间的浓度较高而下午较低,这一变化规律受大气稳定度、污染源等的影响.温度与6~27 m处PM10质量浓度显著负相关.西安市雁塔文教区冬季PM10浓度随高度的增加呈先升高后降低再升高的变化趋势,这与以往的认识有所不同,表明空气粉尘浓度变化较为复杂,需要进行深入研究.在观测时段内,1~81 m处的PM10浓度较低,空气质量良好,仅就PM10浓度而言,污染较轻,但要准确全面地评价,还需要进行逐日的PM10监测及对SO2和NOx浓度的监测.
  • Abstract:In order to ascertain vertical and temporal variation characteristics of the thoracic fraction of particulate matter (PM10) in a cultural and educational area of Yanta District, Xi'an during winter,we observed the PM10 mass concentration for six days from different heights on four buildings in Shaanxi Normal University from January 22 to January 29, 2010. The results showed that PM10 concentrations were lowest at ground level (1 m) and 45~54 m. Concentrations at ground level ranged from 0.005 mg · m-3 to 0.080 mg · m-3 with an average of 0.037 mg · m-3;and concentrations at 45~54 meters ranged from undetectable to 0.005 mg · m-3 with an average of 0.038 mg · m-3. The concentrations of PM10 were highest at 3~27 m, where they ranged from 0.030 mg · m-3 to 0.180 mg · m-3 and had an average of 0.076 mg · m-3. Concentrations varied temporally and peaked in the morning and at night throughout a 24h cycle. Concentrations were lowest in the afternoon. Variations were affected by atmospheric stability, pollution sources, etc. Temperature and PM10 was negatively correlated at 6~27 m. With increasing height up to 81 m, the concentration of PM10 increased, then decreased, and finally increased. Temporal and vertical variations at dusk were complex and need further study. Concentrations at 1~81 meters were low during the study period, therefore, pollution was moderate. Environmental quality can be well and truly evaluated by monitoring PM10 and SO2 and NOx every day.

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