
  • 张春洋,马永亮.中式餐饮业油烟中非甲烷碳氢化合物排放特征研究[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(8):1768-1775

  • 中式餐饮业油烟中非甲烷碳氢化合物排放特征研究
  • Characterization of non-methane hydrocarbons emitted from Chinese cooking
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(No.2006AA06A310)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张春洋
  • 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点实验室,清华大学环境学院,北京 100084
  • 马永亮
  • 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点实验室,清华大学环境学院,北京 100084
  • 摘要:使用挥发性有机物采样标准方法TO-14/15,选择了北京市5家不同菜系、不同营业规模的餐馆,在其营业时段,连续采集油烟中非甲烷碳氢(NMHCs)样品,使用气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC/MS)进行样品分析.研究了4大类72种NMHCs排放浓度和组分组成特点.不同采样餐馆的NMHCs排放浓度存在差异,与菜系类型、规模、上座率、档次高低均有关系.用基准风量折算后,采样餐馆NMHCs基准排放浓度变化范围为9.13×103~14.2×103μg · m-3.在组分分布上,烷烃、烯烃和芳香烃在采样餐馆NMHCs组分组成中占主要部分,所占的比例范围分别是28.4%~47.9%,8.9%~58.3%和10.8%~50.4%,因采样餐馆具体参数而异.在氯代烃的比例分布上,各采样餐馆存在较大差异.利用采样餐馆样品的检测数据,结合北京市餐饮业统计数据,对北京市餐饮业NMHCs排放量进行保守估算,结果表明北京市商业餐饮源NMHCs年排放量约为10559 t,餐饮源可能是北京市臭氧前体物的一个重要来源.
  • Abstract:EPA Method TO-14/15 for measurement of toxic organics in air samples was applied to examine non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) emissions from 5 Chinese restaurants in Beijing.The 5 restaurants use 4 different cooking styles.A total of 72 components of VOCs were observed.The distinguishing characteristics of NMHC emissions from different restaurants are attributed to their cooking style, business scale, number of customers and restaurant grade.Based on the calibrated baseline ventilation volume, the NMHC concentrations of the examined restaurants were in the range of 9.13×103~14.2×103μg · m-3.Alkanes, alkenes and aromatics were the major NMHC components, which were in the ranges of 28.4%~47.9%, 8.9%~58.3% and 10.8%~50.4%, respectively, according to the specified parameters set for the individual restaurant.However, the proportion of chlorohydrocarbons and naphthalene varied significantly, especially that of naphthalene.Based on our sampling results and catering industry data from the Beijing statistical yearbook the total amount of NMHCs emitted from commercial restaurants in Beijing was roughly estimated, to be 10559 tons per year.The data suggest that commercial cooking might be an important source of ozone precursors.

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