
  • 杨刚,沈飞,钟贵江,谢丽苹,王应军,伍钧.西南山地铅锌矿区耕地土壤和谷类产品重金属含量及健康风险评价[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(9):2014-2021

  • 西南山地铅锌矿区耕地土壤和谷类产品重金属含量及健康风险评价
  • Concentration and health risk of heavy metals in crops and soils in a zinc-lead mining area in southwest mountainous regions
  • 基金项目:科技部"十一五"科技支撑计划(No.2008BADC4B04);四川省教育厅重点项目(No.10ZA059)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杨刚
  • 四川农业大学资源环境学院,成都 611130
  • 沈飞
  • 四川农业大学资源环境学院,成都 611130
  • 钟贵江
  • 四川省核工业地质局分析测试中心,成都 610021
  • 谢丽苹
  • 四川农业大学资源环境学院,成都 611130
  • 王应军
  • 四川农业大学资源环境学院,成都 611130
  • 伍钧
  • 四川农业大学资源环境学院,成都 611130
  • 摘要:对西南山地某铅锌矿区耕地土壤(旱地和水田)和主要谷物类产品(小麦、玉米和稻米)进行取样调查,分别测定并分析了土壤和谷物中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cr、Cd、As 等重金属的含量.同时,通过Nemero综合污染指数评价了矿区耕地土壤的污染状况,并利用MMSOILS风险评价模型评价了食用当地谷物类产品对成人和儿童造成的重金属健康风险.结果表明,矿区耕地土壤重金属污染严重,Pb、Zn、Cd和As污染尤为突出,旱地土壤受As污染最严重,水田土壤受Cd污染最严重,分别超标11.45倍和7.38倍.根据Nemero指数分析可知,矿区土壤均存在重度复合污染, 且旱地土壤的Nemero指数高于水田;参照《粮食卫生标准》,矿区主要谷物类产品籽粒中存在高重金属污染风险,尤其以Pb、Cd和As最为明显;食用本地谷物类产品对人体造成的健康风险的顺序依次为As>Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn>Cr,其中,As、Pb、Cd对成人风险较高,As、Pb、Cd、Cu、Zn对儿童风险较高,对儿童造成的健康风险明显高于成人.
  • Abstract:To evaluate the influence of mining activities on heavy metal contamination and health risks in a mining affected area, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr, Cu and As in soils (dry land and irrigated land) and dominant crops were monitored and analyzed in Ganluo, Sichuan Province. The Nemero comprehensive pollution index was employed to evaluate the quality of the soil. The health risks of the above-mentioned heavy metals to adults and children by food ingestion were assessed using the MMSOILS model.The results showed that (1) the farmlands in the zinc-lead mining area were contaminated seriously by heavy metals, especially Pb、Zn、Cd and As. The concentrations of As in dry land soils and Cd in irrigated land were 11.45 and 7.38 times higher than those of the National Soil Quality Standard-GradeⅡ. Compound contamination of heavy metals in the soils was extremely severe. The Nemero index of dry land was higher than that of the irrigated land. (2) Compared to the Food Hygiene Standards,high pollution risks from the above-mentioned heavy metals, especially from Pb, Cd and As, existed in grains from the locally cultivated crops. (3) The average individual health risk of heavy metals for children and adults were near the maximum acceptable level set by the US EPA, The calculated critical threshold in soil for adults was higher than that for children. The order of individual risk index for the health of children and adult was As>Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn>Cr, in which As, Pb, Cd had an especially high risk for adults, and As, Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn had an especially high risk for children. Moreover, children were more sensitively affected by heavy metals from food ingestion. Therefore, attention should be paid to children's health monitoring in such areas.

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