
  • 刘丽,王体健,李宗恺,庄炳亮,谢旻,王勤耕,孙振海.区域空气资源的评估方法及其在台湾海峡西岸地区的应用[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(9):1872-1880

  • 区域空气资源的评估方法及其在台湾海峡西岸地区的应用
  • The method of regional air resource assessment and its application in the west coast of Taiwan Strait
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(No. 2007AA022201); 国家重点基础研究发展计划(No. 2011CB403406, 2010CB428503);水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No. 2008ZX07103-007); 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师基金课题(No. 200802841021)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘丽
  • 1. 南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210093;
    2. 贵州省山地气候与资源重点实验室,贵阳 550002
  • 王体健
  • 南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210093
  • 李宗恺
  • 南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210093
  • 庄炳亮
  • 南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210093
  • 谢旻
  • 南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210093
  • 王勤耕
  • 南京大学环境学院,南京 210093
  • 孙振海
  • 军事医学科学院科技部,北京 100071
  • 摘要:从区域大气环境管理的需要出发,提出了空气资源的概念、等级计算及评估方法.以台湾海峡西岸(简称"海西") 地区为例,在深入分析该地区污染气候特征和各种特殊污染气象过程特点、频率及对空气资源的制约因素基础上,利用新一代气象模式WRF进行了区域尺度和局地尺度的气象场模拟.从模拟的气象要素场及湍流特征量中筛选出影响空气资源的主要因子作为评价指标,对不同影响因子进行分类、分档评分并确定出每个因子的权重函数,经加权汇总后得到海西地区空气资源的总体评分,并以此划分空气资源等级,给出其空间分布.研究表明,台湾海峡地区空气资源等级最高(5级),评分在18分以上,其余地区空气资源等级为2~4级,评分在14~18分之间.总体来看,海西地区空气资源分布不均匀,沿海的空气资源相对较好,内陆平原次之,内陆山区较差.本文提出的空气资源评估方法具有较强的合理性,预期在区域大气环境规划和管理方面具有很好的应用前景.
  • Abstract:To meet the requirements of regional atmospheric environment management, we brought forward the concept of air resource and the estimation and assessment methods. A case study was conducted for the west coast of Taiwan Strait. Based on the analysis of climate characteristics and various weather systems associated with high levels of air pollution occurring in this area, both regional and local meteorological fields were simulated with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The key factors that affected air resource significantly were selected from the meteorological fields and turbulence parameters. They acted as evaluating indicators of regional air resource. Each of the factors was classified and then graded to determine the weighted coefficient. The total scores of air resource in west Strait were estimated from the weighted sum of the respective factor scores. The levels of air resource were determined subsequently. Finally, spatial distribution of the overall scores and the levels of air resource were obtained. It showed that the air resource over the Strait was of the top grade (5) with the score 18. The grades in the rest were of 2 to 4 with the scores 14 to 18. In general, the air resource in the coastal area was most abundant, inland flat less and mountainous area the least, showing an inhomogeneous pattern. The results indicated that the method proposed in this paper was a reasonable solution to assess regional air resource. There will be a great application prospect for regulation and management of the atmospheric environment.

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