
  • 王帮进,李怀建,占洁,孙延枫,侯美伶,柳杜娟,汪午.大气气溶胶中硝基多环芳烃分析方法的建立及应用[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(8):1745-1749

  • 大气气溶胶中硝基多环芳烃分析方法的建立及应用
  • Development and application of an analytical method for determination of nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient aerosols
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.20877051);上海市教育委员会科研创新项目(No.10YZ08);上海市重点学科资助(No.S30109)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王帮进
  • 上海大学环境污染与健康研究所,上海 200444
  • 李怀建
  • 贵州省水城县环保局,贵阳 553000
  • 占洁
  • 上海大学环境污染与健康研究所,上海 200444
  • 孙延枫
  • 上海大学环境污染与健康研究所,上海 200444
  • 侯美伶
  • 上海大学环境污染与健康研究所,上海 200444
  • 柳杜娟
  • 上海大学环境污染与健康研究所,上海 200444
  • 汪午
  • 上海大学环境污染与健康研究所,上海 200444
  • 摘要:硝基多环芳烃类化合物是一类强致突变和致癌物.大气中的硝基多环芳烃主要由化石类燃料燃烧时直接释放,或由前体化合物多环芳烃经光化学反应生成,其浓度远低于多环芳烃.利用高效液相色谱法,分离并富集目标组分,结合气相色谱-质谱技术,建立大气气溶胶中硝基多环芳烃类化合物的检测方法,仪器检测限为1.17~2.94 pg,硝基多环芳烃指示物1-硝基芘-d9的回收率为88.5%,目标化合物的回收率在33.1%~100%之间,RSD在5.07%~15.7%之间,方法具有较好的灵敏度和重现性.并测定了上海市区繁忙路段大气中9种硝基多环芳烃的含量,其浓度分布为1.82~398 pg · m-3.
  • Abstract:Nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (nitro-PAHs) are potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic.The major sources of nitro-PAHs are believed to be direct emission from fossil fuel combustion, as well as formation from photochemical reaction of precursors PAHs with atmospheric oxidants.Their atmospheric concentrations are much lower than those of PAHs.The goal of the present work was to develop an analytical method using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to separate and enrich the target fraction and consequently measure it by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS).The instrument detection limits (IDLs) ranged between 1.17~2.94 pg.The recovery of nitro-PAH surrogate was 88.5%.The recoveries of target compounds were between 33.1%~100% and RSDs were 5.07%~15.7%.The method features good accuracy, precision and reproducibility.Nine nitro-PAHs were determined in aerosol samples collected on a roadside with heavy traffic in Shanghai.The concentrations were between 1.82~398 pg · m-3.

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