
  • 黄成,陈长虹,李莉,程真,王红丽,王杨君,黄海英,张钢锋,陈宜然.长江三角洲地区人为源大气污染物排放特征研究[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(9):1858-1871

  • 长江三角洲地区人为源大气污染物排放特征研究
  • Anthropogenic air pollutant emission characteristics in the Yangtze River Delta region, China
  • 基金项目:国家科技支撑计划(No. 2009BAK43B33); 公益性科研专项计划课题(No. 2010467001); 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室专项经费资助项目(No. 11K05ESPCP); 上海市科委资助项目(No. 10231203802)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 黄成
  • 上海市环境科学研究院,上海 200233
  • 陈长虹
  • 上海市环境科学研究院,上海 200233
  • 李莉
  • 上海市环境科学研究院,上海 200233
  • 程真
  • 上海市环境科学研究院,上海 200233
  • 王红丽
  • 上海市环境科学研究院,上海 200233
  • 王杨君
  • 上海大学环境与化学工程学院,上海 200444
  • 黄海英
  • 上海市环境科学研究院,上海 200233
  • 张钢锋
  • 上海市环境科学研究院,上海 200233
  • 陈宜然
  • 上海市环境科学研究院,上海 200233
  • 摘要:在收集整理长江三角洲地区(简称"长三角")各城市人为大气污染源资料的基础上,采用以"自下而上"为主的方法建立了2007年长三角地区人为源大气污染物排放清单.清单结果显示,2007年长三角地区的SO2、NOx、CO、PM10、PM2.5、VOCs和NH3等大气污染物排放总量分别达到2391.8、2292.9、6697.1、3115.7、1510.8、2767.4和458.9 kt,单位面积污染物排放强度略高于珠三角地区.电厂和其他工业燃烧设施分别贡献了约46%和45%的SO2排放,以及59%和26%左右的NOx排放.电厂及水泥建材+钢铁冶金等工艺过程贡献了约21%和57%的PM10排放,以及28%和52%的PM2.5排放.石油加工、化工制造和工业喷涂等工艺过程的VOCs无组织排放占到总量的65%.NH3的主要排放源来自畜禽养殖和氮肥施用等农业部门,分别占到总量的48%和40%.长三角地区大气污染物的空间分布结果显示,长三角高排放地区主要集中在长江下游的沿江一带及杭州湾地区一带.现有方法测算的PM10、PM2.5、VOCs和NH3排放结果仍存在较大的不确定性,建议在未来不断加强本地大气污染源排放的基础研究,以进一步改善我国各典型区域的大气污染物排放清单,为区域大气污染联防联控提供重要的科研基础.
  • Abstract:This study developed an anthropogenic air pollutant emission inventory in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region for the year of 2007. A "Bottom-up" approach was adopted to compile the inventory based on major emission sources in sixteen cities of this region. Results show that the emissions of SO2, NOx, CO, PM10, PM2.5, VOCs, and NH3 in the YRD region for the year of 2007 are 2391.8 kt, 2292.9 kt, 6697.1 kt, 3115.7 kt, 1510.8 kt, 2767.4 kt, and 458.9 kt, respectively. Power plants and other industrial combustion sources contribute 46% and 45% of SO2 emission, and 59% and 26% of NOx emission. Power plants and industrial process sources of mineral products and steel manufacturing contribute 21% and 57% of PM10 emission, and also take up 28% and 52% of PM2.5 emission. The fugitive sources of oil refining, chemical products and industrial use of paint and solvent are responsible for 59% of the total VOCs emission. NH3 emission mainly comes from the sources of livestock feeding and N-fertilizer application, which occupied 48% and 40%, respectively. The emissions were spatially allocated into grid cells with the resolution of 4 km × 4 km. The spatial distribution of emission illustrates that high emissions mainly concentrate in the cities along the downstream of the Yangtze River and surrounding the Hangzhou Bay. The emissions of PM10, PM2.5, VOCs and NH3 in the study still have high uncertainties, which suggests that more fundamental studies on local emission sources are needed to improve the emission inventory in the future.

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