
  • 李大鹏,黄勇,范成新.沉积物悬浮频率对水体颗粒态磷生物有效性的影响[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(10):2217-2222

  • 沉积物悬浮频率对水体颗粒态磷生物有效性的影响
  • Effect of sediment resuspension frequency on bio-availability of particulate phosphorus in overlying water
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.50908154, 50938005)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李大鹏
  • 1. 苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215011;
    2. 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室,南京 210008
  • 黄勇
  • 苏州科技学院环境科学与工程学院, 苏州 215011
  • 范成新
  • 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所湖泊与环境国家重点实验室,南京 210008
  • 摘要:通过室内试验模拟沉积物在不同频率下的悬浮过程,研究了悬浮频率对颗粒态磷生物有效性的影响.结果表明,沉积物悬浮导致颗粒态磷的生物有效性显著降低,30 d时,藻类可利用态磷(AAP)占悬浮物总磷(Tot-P)的百分比仅为初始状态(56.75%)时的26.24%(悬浮频率较小)和20.04%(悬浮频率较大).内源磷形态分析表明,尽管悬浮物中铁铝结合态磷(Fe/Al-P)含量呈增加的趋势,但非闭蓄态Fe/Al-P (即AAP)占Fe/Al-P的比重却明显降低.这主要与沉积物悬浮导致溶解氧融入(溶解氧从初始状态时的3 mg·L-1增至试验结束时的6 mg·L-1)和pH值改变(pH值从初始状态时的8.02分别降至7.80(悬浮频率较小)和7.60(悬浮频率较大))有关.沉积物悬浮导致水体中可被利用颗粒态磷(BAPP)和溶解态磷(DTP)含量降低,从而导致上覆水中生物有效磷(BAP)含量降低.
  • Abstract:Lab-scale experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of sediment resuspension under different frequency conditions on bio-availability of particulate phosphorus (PP) in the overlying water. The results show that the bio-availability of PP decreased obviously under sediment resuspension conditions, compared with the initial state. After 30 d, the percentages of algal available phosphorus (AAP) to total phosphorus (Tot-P) in suspended solids were 26.24% (lower frequency) and 20.04% (higher frequency) of the initial state (56.75%), respectively. Sequential fractionation indicated that the proportions of non-occluded Fe/Al-P (AAP) to Fe/Al-P decreased gradually under sediment resuspension conditions with time increasing, although the concentrations of Fe/Al-P increased markedly in suspended solids. This was attributed to dissolved oxygen (DO) penetration and pH values change. Under sediment resuspension conditions, DO concentrations increased from 3 mg·L-1 (initial state) to 6 mg·L-1 (the end). In addition, pH values decreased from 8.02 (initial state) to 7.80 (lower frequency) and 7.60 (higher frequency), respectively. The concentrations of bio-available particulate phosphorus (BAPP) and dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) reduced under sediment resuspension conditions. Correspondingly, the content of bio-available phosphorus (BAP) decreased in the overlying water, compared with the initial state.

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