
  • 张健,关连珠,颜丽.鸡粪中3种四环素类抗生素在棕壤中的动态变化及原因分析[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(5):1039-1044

  • 鸡粪中3种四环素类抗生素在棕壤中的动态变化及原因分析
  • Dynamics and mechanism of degradation of three tetracycline antibiotics from chicken feces in brown soil
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.40901259)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张健
  • 沈阳农业大学农业土地与环境学院, 沈阳 110866
  • 关连珠
  • 沈阳农业大学农业土地与环境学院, 沈阳 110866
  • 颜丽
  • 沈阳农业大学农业土地与环境学院, 沈阳 110866
  • 摘要:采用室内模拟培养试验,研究了鸡粪中3种四环素类抗生素在棕壤中含量的动态变化规律及消解途径.结果表明鸡粪中所含的3种四环素类抗生素在棕壤中的含量均表现为前期迅速下降,中后期逐渐平稳的规律,但不同种类和用量处理的变化速率和降解率有显著差异(p<0.05);180d时,3种抗生素在棕壤中的降解率为金霉素>土霉素>四环素,相应的最大降解率分别为85.37%、84.06%和58.54%;平均半衰期分别为20.23d、26.8d和63.24d.降解率与鸡粪用量呈负相关,与时间呈正相关且可用v=A+Blnt回归方程拟合.鸡粪中3种抗生素在棕壤中的降解增加主要是外源微生物降解,占降解增加总量的75%~84%,光降解和化学降解只占很小比例.在3种降解模式中,微生物对四环素降解作用最大,而光降解则对金霉素降解效果最强,且随着培养时间的延长,微生物和化学降解作用逐渐增强,而光解作用逐渐减弱.
  • Abstract:An indoor incubation simulation was carried out to explore the concentration dynamics of three tetracycline antibiotics from chicken feces,and the mechanisms of degradation were investigated as well.The three tested antibiotics were tetracycline(TTC),oxytetracyline(OTC) and chlorotetracycline(CTC).According to the results,the concentration of all treatments rapidly declined initially,then slowed down and became steady.Both the degradation rate and degradation percentage were significantly different for different antibiotics with different concentrations(p<0.05).At day 180 the degradation percentage was in the order CTC>OTC >TTC,and the highest degradation percentages reached 85.37%、84.06% and 58.54% respectively.The half-lives of CTC、OTCand TTCwere 17.43 d、31.32 d and 49.48 d.The degradation percentage was negatively correlated with the amount of chicken feces used and positively correlated with incubation time(v=A+Blnt).Microbiological from feces decomposition played an important role and accounted for 75%~84% of the degradation,while photo-degradation and chemo-degradation only accounted for a small portion.Among the three degradation modes,microbial degradation was the strongest for OTCand photodegradation was strongest for CTC.With the extension of incubation time,microbial and chemical degradation increased and photodegradation decreased.

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