
  • 于淼,魏源送,刘俊国,刘培斌,张振明,魏炜,王亚炜,钟佳,杨勇,肖庆聪,郁达伟,郑祥.永定河(北京段)水资源、水环境的变迁及流域社会经济发展对其影响[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(9):1817-1825

  • 永定河(北京段)水资源、水环境的变迁及流域社会经济发展对其影响
  • Impact of socioeconomic development on water resource and water environment of Yongding River in Beijing
  • 基金项目:北京市科技计划重大项目资助课题(No. D090409004009003);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(No. NCET-09-0222)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 于淼
  • 1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京100085;
    2. 中国人民大学环境学院,北京 100872
  • 魏源送
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京100085
  • 刘俊国
  • 北京林业大学自然保护区学院,北京100083
  • 刘培斌
  • 北京市水利规划设计研究院,北京100044
  • 张振明
  • 北京林业大学自然保护区学院,北京100083
  • 魏炜
  • 北京市水利规划设计研究院,北京100044
  • 王亚炜
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京100085
  • 钟佳
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京100085
  • 杨勇
  • 1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京100085;
    2. 中国人民大学环境学院,北京 100872
  • 肖庆聪
  • 1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京100085;
    2. 中国人民大学环境学院,北京 100872
  • 郁达伟
  • 1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京100085;
    2. 中国人民大学环境学院,北京 100872
  • 郑祥
  • 中国人民大学环境学院,北京 100872
  • 摘要:考察了官厅水库和永定河(北京段)1954—2008年水资源及1980—2005年水环境的变迁,并通过Pearson相关分析探讨了流域社会经济发展对永定河(北京段)水资源和水环境的影响.研究结果表明,1官厅水库建成后近50年来水量和出库水量均大幅衰减,例如,官厅水库来水量从1959年的25.56亿m3锐减至2008年的0.8亿m3,出库水量从1959年的23.33亿m3锐减至2008年的0.47亿m3,这是永定河(北京段)径流量锐减和断流加剧的首要影响因素;21980—2008年间官厅水库来水量、出库水量均与三家店引水量、工业用水量、农业用水量显著正相关 (p<0.01),均与卢沟桥断流天数显著负相关(p<0.05);3官厅水库水质指标CODMn和NH4+-N分别与山峡段水质指标DO显著负相关(p<0.05, 0.01),并与山峡段水质指标NH4+-N呈显著正相关(p<0.05, 0.01).430年流域社会经济的迅猛发展对永定河(北京段)的水资源和水质具有显著影响,例如,人口、人均GDP、城市化率均与三家店引水量、工业用水量、农业用水量显著负相关(p<0.01),而且均与山峡段水质指标DO显著负相关(p<0.05),并且人口、城市化率、入河污水量均与山峡段水质指标BOD5 (p<0.05)和NH4+-N (p<0.01)呈显著正相关.因此,建议从可持续利用水资源和保护水环境的角度出发,完善永定河全流域的统一管理与实施,促进永定河绿色生态走廊的建设.
  • Abstract:Through reviewing the change of water resources in 1954—2008 and that of water environment in 1980—2005 of Guanting Reservoir and Yongding River (Beijing Section), the impacts of watershed socioeconomic development on water resources and water environment of Yongding River (Beijing Section) were statistically analyzed. As the most important factor, a substantial decrease of both inflow and outflow of Guanting Reservoir occurred during the last 50 years since the Guanting Reservoir was built up, which resulted in a sharp drop of the runoff of Yongding River in Beijing and exacerbation of river drying, e.g., both inflow and outflow of Guanting Reservoir sharply reduced from 2.556 billion m3 and 2.333 billion m3 in 1959 to 80 million m3 and 47 million m3 in 2008, respectively. Statistical analysis results clearly indicated that inflow and outflow of Guanting Reservoir were not only significantly correlated to the amounts of water transferred from the Sanjiadian, industrial and agricultural water supplies (p<0.01), but also negatively correlated to days of river discontinued in Lugou Bridge (p<0.05) during 1980—2008. Both chemical oxygen demand (CODMn) and ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) of Guanting Reservoir were negatively correlated to dissolved oxygen (DO) and NH4+-N in the Gorge Section (p<0.05, 0.01), as well as positively correlated to NH4+-N of the Gorge Section (p<0.05, 0.01). The water resources and water environment of Yongding River (Beijing Section) were significantly affected by the socioeconomic development of Yongding River Basin, e.g., the population, GDP per capita and urbanization ratio were all negatively correlated to the amounts of water transferred from the Sanjiadian, industrial and agricultural water supplies (p<0.01), and positively correlated to DO in the Gorge Section of Yongding River (Beijing Section). In addition, all of the population, urbanization rate and the amount of wastewater discharged into Yongding River were positively correlated to DO (p<0.05) and NH4+-N (p<0.01) in the Gorge Section. In summary, it is suggested that an integrated watershed water management of Yongding River should be further carried out to encourage the sustainable exploration of water resource and protection of water environment.

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