
  • 张新钰,王晓红,辛宝东,叶超,郭高轩.典型场地四氯化碳污染的健康风险评价[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(11):2578-2584

  • 典型场地四氯化碳污染的健康风险评价
  • A typical carbon tetrachloride contaminated site and health risk assessment
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目北京市地下水资源安全评价及污染防控技术研究与示范项目(No.D07050601510000)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张新钰
  • 北京市水文地质工程地质大队,北京 100195
  • 王晓红
  • 北京市水文地质工程地质大队,北京 100195
  • 辛宝东
  • 北京市水文地质工程地质大队,北京 100195
  • 叶超
  • 北京市水文地质工程地质大队,北京 100195
  • 郭高轩
  • 北京市水文地质工程地质大队,北京 100195
  • 摘要:以华北某污染场地为研究区域,采集了场地内大气、土壤、地表水和地下水4个类别共196个样品.分析了25项挥发性有机物在不同区域的分布特征,探讨了超标污染物的污染来源,最后,应用美国环保局的健康风险评价方法,对场地超标污染物进行了健康风险评价.结果表明,场地超标污染物仅为四氯化碳;主要赋存于地下水中,其污染晕的平面分布与地下水流向显著相关,垂向分布与深度相关;四氯化碳致癌危害程度总体表现为饮水途径>洗浴呼吸吸入途径>洗浴皮肤接触途径,其中饮水暴露途径致癌危害指数最大达到了3.03×10-5,超出了可接受的风险水平,由此将导致每百万人30.3个癌症患者的可能,村民长期以目前水井作为主要的水源,身体健康将受到严重影响;洗浴呼吸吸入途径和皮肤接触途径的致癌危害指数在(10-10~10-7)范围,在可接受风险水平之内.四氯化碳非致癌危害指数均小于1,风险较低.
  • Abstract:This study was focused on characterization of organic pollutants in a typical site of north China. A total of 196 samples, including soil, air, surface water and groundwater, were collected from the site. Based on the analysis results, the distribution characteristics and possible sources of 25 volatile organics at various regions were analyzed. The health risk assessment standard of the US Environmental Protection Agency was applied to assess the health risk of the pollutants in the site. The results showed that carbon tetrachloride was the only non-attainment pollutant and mainly distributed in the groundwater. The horizontal distribution of the pollution plume was highly related with the direction of the groundwater flow and the vertical distribution was affected fairly by the samples' depth. The largest carcinogenic potentials of the carbon tetrachloride were known to be from drinking water, with the carcinogenic index value of 3.03×10-5. It exceeded the acceptable risk level and may result in the increase of 30.3 cancer patients per one million people. If the residents in the region drink the groundwater every day, their health will be affected greatly. The carcinogenic hazard index of the other two pathways, breathing and skin contact, were in the range 10-10 to 10-7, which were both below the acceptable risk level. The non-cancer hazard index of carbon tetrachloride is less than 1, indicating low non-cancer hazard health risk.

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