
  • 李兵,董志颖,赵由才,郑琦宏,朱建林.城市生活垃圾滚筒筛分选特性研究[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(10):2268-2274

  • 城市生活垃圾滚筒筛分选特性研究
  • Study on the mechanical separation characteristics for municipal solid waste using trommel screener
  • 基金项目:国家科技支撑计划(No. 2008BAC46B06);浙江省科技厅项目(No. 2009C33065);宁波市科技局项目(No. 2010C50022)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李兵
  • 宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院,宁波 315211
  • 董志颖
  • 宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院,宁波 315211
  • 赵由才
  • 同济大学污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,上海 200092
  • 郑琦宏
  • 宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院,宁波 315211
  • 朱建林
  • 宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院,宁波 315211
  • 摘要:滚筒筛筛分是生活垃圾分选中常用的工艺,国内目前有关滚筒筛分选生活垃圾的研究尚不多见.因此,本实验通过自行设计的一台处理能力为150 kg·h-1的滚筒筛,采用实际生活垃圾进行分选实验,确定最佳运行参数范围.结果表明,当滚筒筛孔径为120 mm时,在V实测/V极限(V实测为滚筒转动时实时测定转速,V极限为物料与滚筒一起转动时的临界转速)为0.51~0.73、角度为5.3°~7.0°条件下分选效率最佳;当滚筒筛孔径为80 mm时,在V实测/V极限为0.33~0.60、角度为4.3°~7.8°条件下分选效率最佳;当滚筒筛孔径为40 mm时,在V实测/V极限为0.51~0.60、角度为3.2°~6.0°条件下分选效率最佳.在滚筒筛的筛筒内径D不变的条件下,为获得较高的分选效率,对于不同的筛孔孔径,其筛体的长度L应不同,筛孔孔径越小,L值应越大,即L/D应越大.当滚筒筛孔径为120 mm时,L/D应为2.5~3.0;当滚筒筛孔径为80 mm时,L/D应大于3.3;当滚筒筛孔径为40 mm时,L/D值应远大于3.3.但实际设计时,L/D值不应增大太多.
  • Abstract:The trommel screener is often used to separate MSW (municipal solid waste). However, MSW separation utilizing trammel screener is seldom reported in China. In this study, a trommel screener with a separation capacity of 150 kg MSW per hour was designed and its optimal operational parameters were determined. The optimum separation efficiencies can be reached when the ratio of Vobservation/Vextremity ranged from 0.51 to 0.73 and roller angle 5.3°to 7.0°for 120 mm of mesh diameter, 0.33 to 0.60 and roller angle 4.3°to 7.8°for 80 mm of mesh diameter, and 0.51 to 0.60 and roller angle 3.2°to 6.0°for 40 mm of mesh diameter, respectively. The separation efficiencies of trommel screener were observed to be closely related to L (length of roller), D (screener inner-diameter) and L/D. The optimum separation efficient can be reached that for L/D ranged from 2.5 to 3.0, slightly over 3.3, and much higher than 3.3, the corresponding D were 120 mm, 80 mm and 40 mm respectively.

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