- The phosphorus-incorporating property of extracellular polymer substances
- 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2008ZX07315-003);重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(No.CSTC2009BB7175)
- 方振东
- 后勤工程学院 营房管理与环境工程系,重庆 401311
- 龙向宇
- 1. 后勤工程学院 营房管理与环境工程系,重庆 401311;
2. 后勤工程学院化学工程与技术博士后流动站,重庆 401311
- 唐然
- 后勤工程学院 营房管理与环境工程系,重庆 401311
- 周从直
- 后勤工程学院 营房管理与环境工程系,重庆 401311
- 冯裕钊
- 后勤工程学院 营房管理与环境工程系,重庆 401311
- 王恕
- 后勤工程学院 营房管理与环境工程系,重庆 401311
- 摘要:以实验SBR反应器的活性污泥为研究对象,探讨了超声波-树脂法提取EPS的方法与程序;以5种不同来源的活性污泥为研究对象,考察了EPS结合磷的效能.结果表明,超声波-树脂法分离EPS和细菌细胞的较优程序为:采用21 kHz、40 W超声波作用60 mL污泥2 min(VSS约为8000 mg·L-1);然后,投加80 g·g-1 (以单位质量VSS投加的树脂质量计)的阳离子交换树脂,于550 r·min-1下搅拌45 min.对于5种不同来源的活性污泥,超声波-树脂法提取得到的EPS聚合物总含量,占污泥聚合物总含量的14%~28%;EPS结合的TP含量占污泥TP含量的34%~57%,结合的无机磷含量占污泥TP含量的15%~31%.5种污泥的EPS结合磷的能力分别是其自身细菌细胞(分离EPS后的细菌细胞)的2.6、2.9、2.8、2.0与1.4倍,说明EPS是生物絮体中的磷贮存库.
- Abstract:By adopting the activated sludge from laboratory sequencing batch reactor (SBR), this study discussed the extracted method with ultrasonic and cation resin of extracellular polymer substances (EPS). In addition, the phosphorus-incorporating property of EPS was investigated with the five kinds of activated sludge from different reactors. The optimum separation process of EPS from sludge was obtained from the experiments. At first, 60 mL sludge sample with VSS about 8000 mg·L-1 was processed for 2 min with 21 kHz 40 W ultrasonic. Subsequently, cation exchange resin with the adding amount of 80 g·g-1 for per gram VSS was added to the treated sludge sample, and then was blended for 45 min with 550 r·min-1. For the five kinds of activated sludge from different reactors, the total contents of EPS extracted with the optimum separation process were 14%~28% of the sludge total polymer content. The contents of total phosphorus-incorporating of EPS were 34%~57% of the sludge total phosphorus, and the inorganic phosphorus contents of EPS were 15%~31% of the sludge total phosphorus. The phosphorus-incorporating abilities of EPS from five kinds of sludge were 2.6,2.9,2.8,2.0 and 1.4 times those of the bacteria,indicating that EPS was the phosphorus storage of biological floc.
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