
  • 李令军,王英.基于卫星遥感与地面监测分析北京大气NO2污染特征[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(12):2762-2768

  • 基于卫星遥感与地面监测分析北京大气NO2污染特征
  • The characterization of NO2 pollution in Beijing based on satellite and conventional observation data
  • 基金项目:中央民族大学"985 工程"(No.CUN985-3-3); 高等学校学科创新引智计划(No. B08044)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李令军
  • 北京市环境保护监测中心,北京 100048
  • 王英
  • 中央民族大学 生命与环境科学学院,北京 100081
  • 摘要:分析了1999—2010年北京大气NO2地面质量浓度、2004年以来北京及周边NO2柱浓度的变化.结果表明:1999—2007年来北京大气NO2质量浓度以升高为主.2008年实施奥运空气质量保障措施极大地缓解了北京NO2污染状况,地面质量浓度与垂直柱浓度都出现不同程度的回落.2009年北京大气NO2污染又有所反弹,但低于奥运前水平,可能源于控制措施的持续作用及产业结构调整.2010年北京农展馆和定陵站NO2地面质量浓度继续升高;而古城站NO2浓度降至历史最低水平,这主要得益于首钢石景山区冶炼和热轧项目的减停产.受生命期冬长夏短影响,北京大气NO2质量浓度与垂直柱浓度冬高夏低;瓦里关大气NO2以自然来源为主,其柱浓度冬低夏高;龙凤山位于自然源为主向人为源为主的过渡地带,NO2柱浓度季节变化也表现出明显的过渡特征;上甸子基本以城市源贡献为主,NO2柱浓度与北京市区变化规律基本一致.北京市区NO2质量浓度日变化为双峰双谷型,其NO2柱浓度与上甸子都表现为上午高于午后,而瓦里关则反之,龙凤山的日变化存在明显季节差异.以上4类地区NO2浓度日变化规律的差异主要源于自然源与人为源的贡献不同.NO2柱浓度综合体现区域整体污染水平,而市区站点NO2质量浓度反映局地源影响.北京NO2柱浓度与背景点定陵NO2质量浓度相关性较好,而与市区站点NO2质量浓度相关性略差.
  • Abstract:NO2 mass concentration during 1999—2010 and vertical column density data during 2004—2010 in Beijing were studied using satellite monitoring data (OMI and GOME-2) and conventional observation data. The results showed that there was an increase of NO2 mass concentration in Beijing from 1999 to 2007. Air cleaning measures taken during 2008 Beijing Olympic Games reduced NO2 mass concentration and column density greatly, which again increased in 2009 but with a level lower than before 2008. This is possibly resulted from the source control efforts associated with the Olympics, economic downturn and the adjustment of industrial structure. In 2010, NO2 mass concentration at Nongzhanguan station and Dingling station continued to increase, but at Gucheng station reduced to the minimum, thanks to the off production of smelting and hot-rolled steel in Shijingshan District. NO2 columns were season-dependent. There were shorter chemical lifetimes and smaller NO2 columns in summer than in winter in Beijing. At Waliguan where natural emissions dominated, NO2 columns showed reversed phenomenon compared to Beijing. At Longfengshan both affected by anthropogenic and natural emissions, NO2 columns had two peaks and two troughs. Diurnal variation of NO2 was also obvious. GOME2 generally observed higher NO2 amounts at 9:30 than OMI at 13:45 in Beijing, and there was reverse result at Waliguan.NO2 daily change displayed characteristics at Longfengshan. NO2 columns in Beijing had a good correlation with NO2 mass concentration at Dingling Station.

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