
  • 张亚平,阮晓红.浅水湖泊(阳澄湖)沉积物氨氧化菌的分子证据[J].环境科学学报,2012,32(1):182-189

  • 浅水湖泊(阳澄湖)沉积物氨氧化菌的分子证据
  • Molecular evidence for ammonia oxidation bacteria in the sediments of shallow lake: A case study in Yangcheng Lake
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.40573051);国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(No.2008AA06Z031);水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2009ZX07317-007-02);中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目培育计划(No.1114020603)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张亚平
  • 南京大学地球科学与工程学院水科学系, 南京 210093
  • 阮晓红
  • 南京大学地球科学与工程学院水科学系, 南京 210093
  • 摘要:选择长江三角洲中型浅水湖泊——阳澄湖,应用分子生物学方法鉴定淡水系统底质中的厌氧氨氧化细菌和好氧氨氧化细菌.试验设计三组厌氧氨氧化特异性巢式引物,对沉积物细菌的16S rRNA进行特异性扩增.其中,引物对AMX368f-AMX820r从底质中扩增出了anammox特异性序列,系统发育分析表明样品序列分别与 Candidatus brocadia fulgida、Candidatus brocadia anammoxidans和Candidatus scalindua属近似.应用amoA基因特异性探针在底质中扩增出的好氧氨氧化菌序列,均属于Betaproteobacteria.本研究提供了阳澄湖中好氧氨氧化菌与厌氧氨氧化菌共存的分子证据.
  • Abstract:Sediment samples were collected from Yangcheng Lake, a middle size shallow lake in Yangtze River Delta. Molecular biology methods were adopted to detect the anaerobic ammonia oxidation (anammox) and aerobic ammonia oxidation bacteria in the samples. Three pairs of nest PCR primers were designed to amplify the 16S rRNA from the sediment samples. The specified sequences of anammox were amplified by the primer pairs AMX368f-AMX820r, and analyses of phylogenetics showed that these sequences were similar to Candidatus brocadia fulgida, Candidatus brocadia anammoxidans and Candidatus scalindua. The sequences amplified by the amoA gene specified primer from the sediment samples belonged to the Betaproteobacteria class. This study provided the molecular evidence for coexistence of anammox and aerobic-ammonia-oxidation in Yangcheng Lake.

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