
  • 李本纲,冷疏影.二十一世纪的环境科学——应对复杂环境系统的挑战[J].环境科学学报,2011,31(6):1121-1132

  • 二十一世纪的环境科学——应对复杂环境系统的挑战
  • Environmental science for the 21st century——meeting the challenge from complex environmental systems
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李本纲
  • 北京大学城市与环境学院,地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室,北京 100871
  • 冷疏影
  • 国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部,北京100085
  • 摘要:综合已有的文献表述,提出了关于环境、复杂环境系统、环境问题和环境科学等基本概念的看法.对国内外环境科学专业教育做了简要的介绍和比较,分析了复杂环境系统背景下环境科学研究面对的挑战,列举了环境科学研究中需要加强并尽快取得实质性进展的几个领域,并阐述了各领域的主要研究内容和关键科学问题.初步比较了环境科学研究在中美两国的基本状况,重点对比分析了中美两国自然科学基金委员会对环境科学研究的支持现状.对二十一世纪环境科学的发展做了展望,对环境科学研究的基金支持提出了几点建议.
  • Abstract:In this review, we are trying to introduce and discuss some basic concepts in the field, i.e. environment, complex environmental systems, environmental issues and environmental science, according to the existing literatures. We introduce and compare the environmental science programs in 15 universities in the United States, United Kingdom and China. In addition, we analysis the challenges that environmental science has to face in the 21st century, summary the research fields needing essential strengthening and improvement, and present the main objectives and key scientific issues in these fields. We also compare the current status of environmental research and funding support in the United States and China. Some suggestions to the future environmental research and funding support in China are provided.

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