
  • 陆菲菲,于少明,邱勇,乐金东,王华林,王祥科.实时合成水滑石分离模拟放射性核素锶的研究[J].环境科学学报,2012,32(6):1388-1393

  • 实时合成水滑石分离模拟放射性核素锶的研究
  • Separation of simulated radionuclide Sr by in-situ synthesis of hydrotalcite
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 20971033)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陆菲菲
  • 合肥工业大学化学工程学院,合肥 230009
  • 于少明
  • 合肥工业大学化学工程学院,合肥 230009
  • 邱勇
  • 合肥工业大学化学工程学院,合肥 230009
  • 乐金东
  • 合肥工业大学化学工程学院,合肥 230009
  • 王华林
  • 合肥工业大学化学工程学院,合肥 230009
  • 王祥科
  • 中国科学院等离子体物理研究所,合肥 230031
  • 摘要:采用实时合成水滑石的方法从高放废液中分离模拟放射性核素锶,通过单因素实验并借助XRD分析确定了最佳分离实验条件,同时,运用FTIR、SEM等技术手段对合成的含锶水滑石的结构、形貌进行了分析.结果表明,当Sr2+初始浓度为70mg·L-1、pH值为10.5、n(Mg+Sr)/n(Al)为3时,锶的去除率最高可达95%以上;XRD和SEM分析结果表明,锶嵌入了水滑石的晶格中,合成的含锶水滑石形貌为层状六边形;含锶水滑石煅烧产物主要为尖晶石,且煅烧产物中未见氧化锶,表明嵌入到水滑石晶格中的锶在煅烧后存在于尖晶石的晶体结构中.
  • Abstract:The simulated radionuclide strontium was separated from the high level liquid waste by in-situ synthesis of hydrotalcite (HT). The optimum conditions of the removal of strontium were determined by the single factor test and XRD analysis. The structure and morphology of Sr-containing hydrotalcite were analyzed by FTIR and SEM. The results showed that when the initial Sr2+ concentration was under 70 mg·L-1, pH value was 10.5 and (Mg+Sr)/Al ratio was 3, the strontium removal rate could reach more than 95%. Sr was embedded into the crystal lattice of HT and the morphology of Sr-containing hydrotalcite was layered hexagonal shape. The major calcined product of Sr-containing hydrotalcite was spinel without SrO which indicated that Sr-embedded crystal lattice of HT occurred in the structure of spinel.

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