- Levels and health risks of Cu, Cd, Pb in Sinonovacula constricta and Tegillarca granosa in Xiangshan Bay
- 基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金(No.Y3110476);国家科技支撑计划项目(No.2009BADB7B02)
- 葛奇伟
- 宁波大学 海洋学院/教育部应用海洋生物技术重点实验室, 宁波 315211
- 徐永健
- 宁波大学 海洋学院/教育部应用海洋生物技术重点实验室, 宁波 315211
- 葛君远
- 宁波大学 海洋学院/教育部应用海洋生物技术重点实验室, 宁波 315211
- 摘要:根据2010年全年4个季节象山港5个养殖区(大佳何、郭巨、咸祥、桐照、西店)两种贝类(缢蛏、泥蚶)体中的3种重金属(Cu、Cd、Pb)的检测结果,分析和比较了象山港内贝类体中的重金属含量,并应用两种评价模型进行了健康风险评价.结果为:所测得Cu、Pb、Cd在5个不同的养殖区的缢蛏和泥蚶体中的含量分别在2.89~4.99、0.24~0.39、0.12~0.22 mg·kg-1和0.79~1.05、0.10~0.38、2.17~4.60 mg·kg-1范围,其中大佳何的缢蛏体内的Cu、Pb含量要高于其他4个养殖区,郭巨的泥蚶体内的Cd含量高于其他4个区;其次,同一种重金属Cu、Pb、Cd在两种贝类中的含量分别为1.52~10.48和0.66~1.20 mg·kg-1,0.08~0.68和0.02~1.01 mg·kg-1,及0.04~0.50和0.74~4.43 mg·kg-1范围,Cu在缢蛏体中的含量远远大于泥蚶,而Cd在泥蚶中的含量远远大于缢蛏;所得结论为:不同养殖区内,同一种重金属在同种贝类体内的含量存在明显的差异;同一种重金属在不同种类贝类中的含量也存在明显的差异;贝类的不同养殖规格及不同年龄间Cu、Pb、Cd的含量基本相同,无明显差异;采用USEPA和PMTDI两种健康风险评价模型得出相同的结果:除泥蚶体中Cd可能存在致癌健康风险外,其他对人体均不存在健康风险.
- Abstract:The contents of Cu, Cd and Pb in the two important cultured molluscs (Sinonovacula constricta and Tegillarca granosa) from 5 sites in Xiangshan Bay, Ningbo over the 4 seasons in 2010 were analyzed. The health risks of the heavy metals were subsequently assessed with two health risk evaluation models. The results showed that in different cultured areas, the contents of Cu, Pb, Cd in S.constricta and T.granosa were 2.89~4.99, 0.24~0.39, 0.12~0.22 mg·kg-1 and 0.79~1.05, 0.10~0.38, 2.17~4.60 mg·kg-1, respectively. The contents of Cu, Pb, Cd in S.co nstricta and T.granosa were 1.52~10.48 and 0.66~1.20 mg·kg-1, 0.08~0.68 and 0.02~1.01 mg·kg-1, 0.04~0.50 and 0.74~4.43 mg·kg-1, respectively. Within each species, the contents of Cu, Pb, Cd were similar between the one-year- and two-year-old groups. Based on the USPEA and PMTDI health risk evaluation models, the contents of Cu, Pb, Cd in the two cultured molluscan species posed no health risk to human except for Cd in T. granosa.
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