- Purification effect of a compound-bacteria agent on eutrophic wastewater
- 杨小龙
- 食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,南昌大学中德联合研究院,南昌 330047
- 李文明
- 食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,南昌大学中德联合研究院,南昌 330047
- 曹郁生
- 食品科学与技术国家重点实验室,南昌大学中德联合研究院,南昌 330047
- 摘要:以高效去除COD为主要指标,从南昌市区富营养化的鱼塘淤泥水和猪场废水混合液中分离筛选出4株目的菌株,发现其中以NCG1菌株的去除活性最好.经生理生化鉴定和16S rRNA序列分析,初步鉴定NCG1为施氏假单胞菌(Pseudomonas stutzeri).同时,采用另一株具有高效去除无机盐氮能力的菌株C-4与菌株NCG1复合培养,建立了两株菌的复合培养方法.结果表明,与单菌相比,复合菌综合了单菌的优良去除活性,在对合成废水的处理中,72 h后废水中NH4+-N、NO3--N和COD的去除率分别达84.4%、86.91%和81.36%.研究表明,生产的复合菌剂在对富营养化池塘污水样品的处理中显示出良好的效能.
- Abstract:Targeting on effectively removing chemical oxygen demand (COD), four bacterial strains with COD removal ability were isolated from eutrophic pond water and piggery wastewater. The isolated NCG1, identified as Pseudomonas stutzeri by morphological and physiological characteristics and 16S rRNA sequential analysis, showed the highest COD removal efficiency in the four bacteria. Synergistic effect in purification was found when NCG1 was used together with C-4, a strain with high inorganic salt nitrogen removing ability. The mixed two strains showed higher ability than single microorganism, and removed the ammonium, nitrite nitrogen and COD in the artificial wastewater up to 84.4%,86.91%,and 81.36%,respectively. This study established the method for the production of the compound-bacteria agent, which showed high efficiency on the treatment of eutrophic pond water.
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