- Pilot scale research on the impact of TDS and surfactant on oxygen mass transfer in fine bubble aeration
- 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划项目(No.2009AA063804);国家重大科技专项-水体污染控制与治理(No.2011ZX07316-001)
- 摘要:污水中总溶解性固体(TDS)与表面活性剂的浓度是影响微孔曝气性能的两个重要的因素. 本研究以中试为基础, 分别研究了TDS及表面活性剂浓度变化对微孔曝气氧传质过程中氧转移系数(KLa)的影响. 当TDS浓度在0~1000 mg·L-1变化时, 氧转移系数KLa变化甚微;当TDS浓度从2000 mg·L-1增加到8000 mg·L-1时, KLa明显增大;当TDS浓度高于8000 mg·L-1时,KLa趋于平缓. 当表面活性剂(十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS))的浓度在0~20 mg·L-1变化时, KLa先减小, 后增大.
- Abstract:The concentration of Total dissolved solids (TDS) and that of surfactants are two significant factors influencing the performance of fine bubble aeration. In our pilot scale research, the impact of TDS and surfactant with different concentrations on oxygen transfer in fine bubble aeration was studied. KLa changed little when the concentration of TDS varied from 0 to 1000 mg·L-1; KLa increased significantly as the concentration of TDS arised from 2000 mg·L-1 to 8000 mg·L-1; KLa kept stable when the concentration of TDS was above 8000 mg·L-1. When the concentration of surfactant (SDBS) was adjusted from 0 to 20 mg·L-1, KLa decreased firstly then increased.
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