- The settlement and transfer rule of phosphorus in stormwater runoff from phosphorus-rich area in Dianchi Watershed
- 基金项目:国家科技重大专项"水体污染控制与治理"项目(No.2009ZX07102-004)
- 孔燕
- 云南大学环境科学与生态修复研究所,昆明 650091
- 和树庄
- 云南大学环境科学与生态修复研究所,昆明 650091
- 胡斌
- 云南大学环境科学与生态修复研究所,昆明 650091
- 余晓飞
- 云南大学环境科学与生态修复研究所,昆明 650091
- 周崧
- 云南大学环境科学与生态修复研究所,昆明 650091
- 何云龙
- 云南大学环境科学与生态修复研究所,昆明 650091
- 摘要:滇池流域的磷矿分布及其开采是导致滇池湖泊富营养化的重要原因.因此,本文对滇池流域富磷地区暴雨径流中磷素输出、输移过程中总磷含量与颗粒粒径的关系进行了研究.结果发现,不同土地利用类型的污染源在暴雨中的磷流失量差异性显著,呈现磷矿开采区>林地>台地的特征;暴雨径流水样沉淀8 h后,TP浓度显著下降;两场暴雨径流水样中,平均63.3%的磷素随粒径<0.02 mm的颗粒流失,其中,平均43.8%的磷素随粒径<0.008 mm的颗粒流失;两场暴雨径流中,仅有1.5%的总磷从污染源经沟渠最终进入了河道.研究表明,径流中所含总磷以小于0.02 mm的颗粒物形式流失,通过延长水力停留时间可以达到良好的沉淀去除效果,而沟渠系统在面源总磷污染的控制过程中起着重要作用.
- Abstract:The phosphorate resources distribution and mining in Dianchi Watershed is one of the important reasons for eutrophiction of Dianchi Lake. The phosphorus concentration and particle size distribution in surface runoff produced from 3 land use types were determined to analysis the phosphorus transfer process during rainstorm in phosphorus-rich area of Dianchi Watershed. The results showed that: 1The phosphorus concentrations of runoff were significantly different among 3 land using types. The sequence of TP concentration in runoff among 3 land use types was the Phosphate mining area>the Woods>the Tableland.2After 8 hours sedimentation processes, the TP concentration of runoff reduced significantly.3Within two storm incidents, 63.3% of phosphorus were lost within particles size smaller than 0.02 mm on average. Moreover, 43.8% of phosphorus were lost within particles size <0.008 mm on average.4Only 1.5% of TP lost from the original areas was flushed into the stream through runoff. It means that TP in storm runoff mainly lost in particles size <0.02 mm. It can be effectively removed by settling process, and ditch system is a very import way for non-point TP pollutant control.
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