- Quantifying the source of haze pollution in southern Hebei cities using CMAQ model
- 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.41105105);河北省自然科学基金项目(No.D2011402019)
- 赵秀娟
- 1 北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院环境工程系, 北京 100083;
2. 河北工程大学城市建设学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038
- 姜华
- 河北工程大学经济管理学院信息管理系, 邯郸 056038
- 王丽涛
- 河北工程大学城市建设学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038
- 魏巍
- 河北工程大学城市建设学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038
- 程丹丹
- 河北工程大学城市建设学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038
- 苏捷
- 河北工程大学城市建设学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038
- 潘雪梅
- 河北工程大学城市建设学院环境工程系, 邯郸 056038
- 摘要:河北南部地区是霾污染最为严重的地区之一,本文应用MM5-Models-3/CMAQ空气质量模拟系统对河北及周边省市进行了区域尺度的模拟,并通过情景计算的方法估算了河北南部(包括石家庄、邢台、邯郸3市)、河北北部、京津2市、山西、河南、山东6个区域的人为源排放对石家庄、邢台细微颗粒物(PM2.5)及其主要成分和消光系数(Bext)的贡献率.结果表明,模拟时段内,石家庄市PM2.5的来源为河北南部65.3%、山西13.8%、河北北部7.3%、山东1.6%、河南1.1%、京津0.9%;邢台市PM2.5的来源为河北南部64.7%、山西10.4%、河北北部5.2%、河南3.7%、山东3.6%、京津1.1%.周边地区对石家庄市Bext的贡献率分别为:河北南部59.4%、山西13.8%、河北北部6.8%、山东1.7%、河南1.3%、京津0.9%;对邢台市Bext的贡献率则为:河北南部58.2%、山西10.1%、河北北部5.0%、山东3.7%、河南3.9%、京津1.0%.对2007年12月8—12日重污染过程的分析表明,重污染过程中河北北部、山东和河南的贡献率有所上升,山西的贡献率则有所下降.由于该地区霾污染的复杂性,进一步的观测和模拟工作仍然十分必要.
- Abstract:The southern Hebei area is one of the regions with the most serious haze pollution in China.This study conducted regional scale modeling over Hebei and the surrounding areas using MM5-Models-3/CMAQ air quality modeling system,and estimated the contributions of the anthropogenic emissions from the southern Hebei,northern Hebei,Beijing/Tianjin,Shanxi,Henan and Shandong to the concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and its major components,and light extinction (Bext) in Shijiazhuang and Xingtai city.The results show that in the modeling period,the contributions of the southern Hebei,Shanxi,the northern Hebei,Shandong,Henan,and Beijing/Tianjin are 63.5%,13.8%,7.3%,1.6%,1.1% and 0.9% in Shijiazhuang city,and 64.7%,10.4%,5.2%,3.6%,3.7%,1.1% in Xingtai city,respectively.As to Bext,the contributions of the southern Hebei,Shanxi,the northern Hebei,Shandong,Henan,and Beijing/Tianjin are 59.4%,13.8%,6.8%,1.7%,1.3%,0.9% in Shijiazhuang,and 58.2%,10.1%,5.0%,3.7%,3.9%,1.0% in Xingtai city,respectively.Moreover,a typical pollution episode (Dec.8—12,2007) is analyzed that indicates the contributions from the northern Hebei area,Shandong and Henan province increasing while those from Shanxi province decreasing during heavy pollution period.Further observation and simulation are still needed due to the complexity of the haze pollution over the southren Hebei area.
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