
  • 刘敬勇,孙水裕.广州城市污泥燃烧性能综合评价及其燃烧动力学模型[J].环境科学学报,2012,32(8):1952-1961

  • 广州城市污泥燃烧性能综合评价及其燃烧动力学模型
  • Comprehensive evaluation of municipal sewage sludge combustion characteristics and its combustion kinetics model in Guangzhou
  • 基金项目:广东省高校优秀青年创新人才培养项目(No.LYM11059);广东省部产学研结合项目(No.2011B090400161, 2011B090400144)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘敬勇
  • 广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院, 广州 510006
  • 孙水裕
  • 广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院, 广州 510006
  • 摘要:采集了广州5种不同来源城市污泥(分别为KFQ、DTS、LJ、LD和ZZ)及肇庆市1种污水污泥(ZQ),利用热重法对6种干污泥的单一样及两种干污泥的混合样在不同条件下进行了热重实验研究,并通过TG-DTG曲线计算了污泥燃烧的4个综合燃烧指数. 研究发现,广州当前城市污泥具有高挥发分、低固定碳和低热值的特点.整个污泥燃烧可以分为水分析出、挥发分析出、挥发分燃烧和焦炭燃烧4个阶段,并且不同来源污泥这4个燃烧阶段差别较大,其中,挥发分的析出和燃烧制约着污泥的整个燃烧过程. 不同来源污泥的燃烧性能与污水处理厂水处理工艺、污泥种类及其理化性质有关.从挥发分释放特性指数D、可燃性指数C、综合燃烧特性指数S来看,6种污泥中,LJ污泥燃烧性能最好,而LD污泥的燃烧性能最差. KFQ与ZZ污泥混合后,除D指数外,其他指数都变小,而升温速率过快,并不能显著提高污泥的综合燃烧性能. 采用积分法(Coats-Redfern方程)计算得到各燃烧阶段的反应的机理方程及相应的活化能参数,发现活化能大小与污泥的燃烧阶段是相对应的.
  • Abstract:Five municipal sewage sludges, KFQ, DTS, LJ, LD and ZZ, from different sources of Guangzhou city and one sewage sludge sample ZQ from Zhaoqing city were collected. The six dried single samples and one mixtures were investigated by a thermogravimetric method analysis (TGA) under different conditions and four combustion indexes of sludge were calculated by using the TG-DTG curves. The results showed that the original municipal sewage sludge was with the characteristics of high volatile mater, low content of fixed carbon and low calorific value. The whole combustion process can be divided into four stages including the water releasing stage, volatile releasing stage, volatile combustion stage and fixed carbon combustion stage. Obvious, differences were discovered from different sludges at the same TG-DTG curves. The volatile separating and combustion dominated the whole combustion process. The combustion characteristics of different sources of sludge were dependent on the wastewater treatment process, the sources of sludge and their physical and chemical properties. The LJ sludge combustion performance was the best while the LD sludge was worst in the six kinds of sludge according to the volatile releasing index D, flammability index C and the comprehensive combustion index S. The index values of KFQ and ZZ mixtures became low except for the volatile releasing index D. The heating rate of the mixture was too fast, therefore cannot significantly improve the overall sludge combustion. Both the combustion reaction equation during different combustion periods and the corresponding kinetics parameter E were calculated by the Coats-Redfern equation. The results indicated that the value of activation energy (E) was corresponded with the combustion stages.

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