
  • 安俊岭,李健,张伟,陈勇,屈玉,向伟玲.京津冀污染物跨界输送通量模拟[J].环境科学学报,2012,32(11):2684-2692

  • 京津冀污染物跨界输送通量模拟
  • Simulation of transboundary transport fluxes of air pollutants among Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province of China
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41175105, 40905055);中国科学院重大项目(No.kzcx1-yw-06-04)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 安俊岭
  • 中国科学院大气物理研究所LAPC,北京 100029
  • 李健
  • 1. 中国科学院大气物理研究所LAPC,北京 100029;
    2. 中国科学院研究生院,北京 100049
  • 张伟
  • 1. 中国科学院大气物理研究所LAPC,北京 100029;
    2. 中国民航气象中心,北京 100122
  • 陈勇
  • 中国科学院大气物理研究所LAPC,北京 100029
  • 屈玉
  • 中国科学院大气物理研究所LAPC,北京 100029
  • 向伟玲
  • 中国科学院大气物理研究所LAPC,北京 100029
  • 摘要:发展了关键影响因子加权人为源分配方法(WKIF),增添了依赖于气象条件和下垫面类型的生物源,动态更新了气象场和浓度场的边界条件.然后利用WRF-CAMx模式定量给出了四季北京、天津和河北大气边界层中PM2.5、O3、CO、SO2、NO2和NO跨界输送通量和北京净输入或输出通量.结果表明WKIF方法合理反映了中小城市人为源的空间分布特征,模式重要输入参量、初值与边界条件的改进显著改善了WRF-CAMx模式对京津冀地区6个观测站点近地面NOx、O3和PM2.5浓度的模拟.北京向天津冬、春季主要通过西北方向,夏、秋季主要经过偏西方向输入NO、NO2、SO2、CO、O3、PM2.5,输送通量夏季均最小,冬季均最大,且四季北京向天津输入的CO、O3、PM2.5通量显著高于NO、NO2、SO2通量.河北的污染物冬、春季主要通过西北方向,夏季主要经由偏南方向,秋季主要途径偏西方向进入北京;四季北京向河北输入NO和NO2,但跨界输送通量小于20 t·d-1;四季河北向北京输入的CO、O3、PM2.5通量远高于北京向河北输送的NO、NO2通量,明显大于北京向河北输送的SO2通量,且河北向北京输入CO、O3、PM2.5通量夏季均最小,冬季均最大;四季北京大气边界层中NO、NO2、SO2最大净输出通量小于50 t·d-1,CO、O3、PM2.5净输入或输出通量分别为111~2309、567~6244、715~1778 t·d-1.这些定量结果为京津冀区域污染源调控对策的制定提供了科学依据.
  • Abstract:We proposed a method for reapportionment of anthropogenic emissions weighted by key impact factors (WKIF) from a province (autonomous region, municipality) to a county in North China. Simulation of transboundary transport fluxes (TTF) of NO, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, and PM2.5 in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) among Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province (BTH region) and net TTF in Beijing were performed from 25 December 2006 to 31 December 2007 by using the WRF-CAMx model. Biogenic emissions changed with meteorological conditions and vegetation types, and meteorological and chemical boundary conditions were updated every six hours. Results indicated that the WKIF method reasonably reflected spatial distributions of emissions in counties in North China and surface concentrations of NOx, O3, and PM2.5 at six monitoring sites in BTH region were well simulated by comparison with observations. NO, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, and PM2.5 from Beijing were transported to Tianjin mainly through northwestern routes in winter and spring, and western routes in summer and autumn whereas those from Hebei Province were transported to Beijing mainly via northwestern routes in winter and spring, southern routes in summer, and western routes in autumn. Maximum and minimum TTF of NO, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, and PM2.5 in the ABL from Beijing to Tianjin occurred in winter and summer, respectively, with TTF of CO, O3, and PM2.5 much larger than those of NO, NO2, and SO2. TTF of NO and NO2 in the ABL from Beijing to Hebei province were less than 20 tons per day in four seasons. TTF of CO, O3 and PM2.5 in the ABL from Hebei province to Beijing were much higher than those of NO and NO2, and larger than those of SO2 from Beijing to Hebei province in four seasons. Maximum net outfluxes of NO, NO2 and SO2 in the ABL in Beijing were less than 50 tons per day, and maximum net TTF of CO, O3, and PM2.5 in the ABL in Beijing ranged from 111 to 2309, from 567 to 6244, and from 715 to 1778 tons per day in four seasons, respectively. The quantified TTF among Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province are very useful for policymakers to make decisions for regional emission reductions in the BTH region.

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