
  • 陈一波,孙培德,马王钢,楼菊青.水蚯蚓-微生物共生系统脱氮除磷最佳运行工况数值模拟研究[J].环境科学学报,2012,32(11):2770-2780

  • 水蚯蚓-微生物共生系统脱氮除磷最佳运行工况数值模拟研究
  • Numerical stimulation of the optimum operational condition for nitrogen and phosphorus removal in tubifex-microbe symbiotic system
  • 基金项目:浙江省重大科技专项重点社会发展项目(No.2011C13014);浙江省自然科学基金项目(No.Y5090106,Y5110265);浙江工商大学研究生科技创新项目(No.1260XJ1511115)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈一波
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院,杭州 310012
  • 孙培德
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院,杭州 310012
  • 马王钢
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院,杭州 310012
  • 楼菊青
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院,杭州 310012
  • 摘要:以前置厌氧池的氧化沟工艺为研究对象,根据氧化沟溶解氧分布情况,将氧化沟简化为1个缺氧段以及3个好氧段,并在第1好氧段中悬挂生物填料接种水蚯蚓,建立"水蚯蚓-微生物共生系统",通过溶解氧、混合液回流比、污泥回流比的控制保持该系统的微生态平衡.从水蚯蚓动力学角度改进提出T-FCASM新模型,建立并校验"水蚯蚓-微生物共生系统"生物场-水力场耦合模型(T-FCASM-Hydro),根据单因素试验和多因素正交试验分别模拟不同水平溶解氧、混合液回流比、污泥回流比对氧化沟中"水蚯蚓-微生物共生系统"脱氮除磷效果的影响.正交试验的方差分析结果显示,当好氧段1溶解氧为6.5 mg·L-1、混合液回流比为100%、污泥回流比为100%时氧化沟可保持最佳脱氮除磷效果.
  • Abstract:The oxidation tank was simplified to one anoxic zone and three aerobic zones based on the distribution of dissolved oxygen in the study of pre-anaerobic tank of oxidation tank process. Bio-carrier was hung in the first aerobic zone and Tubifex were inoculated to build "T. tubifex-microbe symbiotic system". The system was maintained balance by controlling dissolved oxygen concentration, internal return ratio and sludge return ratio. The model of T-FCASM-Hydro (T. tubifex system with Fully Coupled Activated Sludge Model in Hydraulic field) was developed based on the growth kinetics of the T. tubifex and validated by field test data. The effects on nitrogen and phosphorus removal of these factors were simulated by single factor experiments and multi-factors orthogonal experiments, respectively. The variance analysis results showed that the optimum removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus can be obtained when the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the first aerobic zone was 6.5 mg·L-1, the internal return ratio was 100% and sludge return ratio was 100%, respectively.

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