
  • 汪彩华,郑平,唐崇俭,陈婷婷.间歇性饥饿对厌氧氨氧化菌混培物保藏特性的影响[J].环境科学学报,2013,33(1):36-43

  • 间歇性饥饿对厌氧氨氧化菌混培物保藏特性的影响
  • Effects of intermittent starvation on preservation characteristics of ANAMMOX bacteria
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.31070110);国家高技术研究发展计划项目(No.2009ZZ06311)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 汪彩华
  • 1. 浙江大学环境工程系,杭州 310029;
    2. 北京天地人环保科技有限公司,北京100176
  • 郑平
  • 浙江大学环境工程系,杭州 310029
  • 唐崇俭
  • 中南大学环境工程研究所,长沙 410083
  • 陈婷婷
  • 浙江大学环境工程系,杭州 310029
  • 摘要:厌氧条件下,采用4 ℃、4 ℃并每隔10 d换1次NO2--N/NH4+-N浓度比为1.32的基质、4 ℃并每隔10 d换1次NO2--N/NH4+-N浓度比为1.63的基质3种方法保藏厌氧氨氧化菌混培物,研究间歇性饥饿对厌氧氨氧化菌混培物保藏特性的影响.结果表明,间歇性饥饿对厌氧氨氧化菌混培物的危害大于长期性饥饿,且亚硝态氮浓度越高危害越大;另厌氧氨氧化菌混培物活性还与血红素c含量有直接相关性,无外界颜色干扰时厌氧氨氧化菌混培物颜色还可直观反映其活性和血红素c含量,且厌氧氨氧化菌混培物的颗粒结构及其富含的胞外多聚物能增强其抵抗外界不利因素的能力.在试验的5个月内,3种方法下的活性衰减速率均先快后趋于稳定,趋于稳定时的三者活性保留率分别为75.3%、70.8%、62.7%.
  • Abstract:The effects of intermittent starvation on preservation characteristics of anammox bacteria were studied using three different preservation methods, which contained 4 ℃, 4 ℃ with addition of substrate (NO2--N/NH4+-N ratio of 1.32) every ten days and 4 ℃ with addition of substrate (NO2--N/NH4+-N ratio of 1.63) every ten days. Results indicated that intermittent starvation was more harmful to anammox bacteria than that of the long-term continuous starvation under anaerobic conditions. Besides, it could be found that the higher concentration of nitrite would have stronger inhibiting effects on the preservation of anammox bacteria. In addition, the anammox bacterial activities were directly correlated with the content of heme c. The color of anammox bacteria could reflect the relative bacterial activities as well as heme c content under the conditions without deliberate color interference. Further, results also showed that the particle structure and the extracellular polymers of anammox bacteria would help to increase the resistance of bacteria to adverse factors. During the 5-month preservations, all the activity decaying rates of the three methods decreased fast initially, and then slowed down to relatively stable values with survival activity percentages of 75.3%, 70.8% and 62.7%, respectively.

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