
  • 李爽,张祖陆,孙媛媛.南四湖沉积物对上覆水氮磷负荷的时空响应[J].环境科学学报,2013,33(1):133-138

  • 南四湖沉积物对上覆水氮磷负荷的时空响应
  • Spatiotemporal responses of nitrogen and phosphorus loads in sediments and overlying water of Nansihu Lake
  • 基金项目:国家重大水专项(No.2009ZX07210-007-01);临沂大学水土保持与环境保育重点实验室开放基金(No.201102)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李爽
  • 1. 山东师范大学人口·资源与环境学院,济南 250014;
    2. 济南大学酒店管理学院,济南 250002
  • 张祖陆
  • 1. 山东师范大学人口·资源与环境学院,济南 250014;
    2. 山东省水土保持与环境保育重点实验室,临沂大学,临沂 276005
  • 孙媛媛
  • 山东师范大学人口·资源与环境学院,济南 250014
  • 摘要:利用SWAT模型模拟结合水质监测对南四湖水体总氮、总磷负荷在2010年9月的空间分布和1960—2010年的时间分布特征进行了分析.同时,测定了2010年9月获取的表层底泥和柱状岩芯样品的TOC、总氮、总磷含量,结合相关测年结果,分析了南四湖沉积物中总氮、总磷含量在2010年9月的空间分布和近50年来的时间分布特征,并对沉积物和上覆水中总氮、总磷负荷在时空分布上的响应关系进行了分析.结果表明:在空间分布上,南四湖沉积物对上覆水中的总磷负荷有很好的响应关系,相关系数达0.895(p<0.01),都以无机磷为主;而由于沉积物中的氮多为有机氮,水体中氮以无机氮为主,因此,两者之间的响应关系不明显.在时间分布上,近50年来,南四湖沉积物对上覆水的氮、磷负荷有很好的响应关系,其变化大致可分为低含量、急剧增长、有所下降3个阶段,但沉积物的响应在时间上有所滞后.该变化与占南四湖流域面积最大的济宁市近50年的GDP变化有很好的一致性,说明人类活动与湖泊污染密切相关.
  • Abstract:Characteristics of spatial distribution in September 2010 and temporal variation from 1960 to 2010 of total nitrogen and total phosphorus load in Naisihu Lake were analyzed using SWAT model and water quality monitoring. Total organic carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in surface sediments and sedimentary cores obtained in September 2010 were determined. Spatial distribution of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in September 2010 and temporal variation in recent 50 years in the sediment of Naisihu Lake were analyzed. The spatiotemporal responses of total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads in sediments and overlying water were studied. The results indicated that spatially, phosphorus in sediment had the good responses to that in the overlying water with the correlation coefficient of 0.895, because the phosphorus in sediment and water were mainly inorganic phosphorus. The major form of nitrogen in sediment was organic, but the nitrogen in water was mainly inorganic, leading to insignificant responses. Temporally, nitrogen and phosphorus in sediment had good responnses to those in the overlying water. The change of nitrogen and phosphorus can roughly be divided into 3 sections, but the responds of sediment lagged behind the water. This change was similar to the change of GDP in Jining, which was the largest city in Nansihu basin, so it was indicated that human activity was closely related with lake pollution.

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