- An comparative analysis of the accuracy of atmospheric NOx measurements
- 基金项目:东亚地区大区大气污染物跨界输送及其相互影响与应对策略研究(No.2010467002)
- 曹玮
- 北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100871
- 曾立民
- 北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100871
- 吴宇声
- 北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100871
- 胡敏
- 北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100871
- 摘要:采用美国热电公司的NO-NO2-NOx分析仪(Model 42i TL)和NOy分析仪(Model 42i NOy),在2011年1月-10月期间,对北京城市大气中的NO、NOx和NOy进行了连续在线测量.两台仪器对NO的测量结果具有较高的一致性(r>0.998,p<0.01),说明两台仪器测量精度基本一致.将NOy分析仪(Model 42i NOy)采样口处安装和不安装颗粒物过滤膜两种条件下测量的NOy结果与NO-NO2-NOx分析仪所测的NOx结果分别进行了相关性分析([NOy]=0.989×[NOx],R2=0.993; [NOy]=1.134×[NOx],R2=0.959),得出以下两个结论: 1以颗粒态硝酸盐为代表的颗粒物是造成NOx与NOy偏差的主要原因,其所占比例在10%左右; 2目前Model 42i-TL所测NOx的浓度水平较真实值偏高,其测量值更接近气态NOy的浓度水平.为估算NO2测值被高估的程度(以2011年8月6日-15日观测数据为例),用扣除部分气态NOz物种(HONO、HNO3、PAN、PPN)的修正方法,推论出在夏季NO2被高估约7%(R2=0.968).
- Abstract:An intercomparison of atmospheric measurements was conducted using the mainstream instruments of NOx (Model 42i-TL NO-NO2-NOx) and NOy (Model 42i NOy analyzers), both by Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., at an urban site in Beijing.During the study, concentrations of NO, NOx and NOy were continuously monitored from January to October 2011. Good correlation (r>0.998, p<0.01) of NO measurements produced by the two instruments was obtained, which confirms measurement accuracy of the two devices. By comparing the NOy measurement results obtained under the conditions of attaching and removing a particulate filter from the sample inlet of the Model 42i NOy analyzer with that of the NOx measurements using the NO-NO2-NOx analyzer, the following correlation results are obtained: [NOy]=0.989×[NOx], R2=0.993 and [NOy]=1.134×[NOx], R2=0.959. Two conclusions are drawn from this study: 1 The difference between NOx and NOy is caused by particulate nitrate which accounts for around 10 percent of the total NOx.2 Concentration of NOx measured using the current Model 42i-TL analyzer is higher than its real values,and is closer to concentration of NOy. Using the correction method of subtracting concentrations of the main NOy components (e.g. HONO, HNO3, PAN, PPN) from that of NO2 (based on data collected during August 6-15, 2011), it could be concluded that concentration of NO2 in summer are overestimated by 7 percent (R2=0.968).
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