- Catalytic ozonation of active red MX-5B in water with Si-FeOOH
- 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.50978169);深圳市科技工贸和信息化委员会资助项目(No.JC200903180722A)
- 周康
- 1. 东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院,长春 130024;
2. 中国市政工程东北设计研究总院,长春 130021
- 霍明昕
- 东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院,长春 130024
- 汪小雄
- 深圳职业技术学院建筑与环境工程学院,深圳 518055
- 姜成春
- 深圳职业技术学院建筑与环境工程学院,深圳 518055
- 摘要:通过共沉淀的方法在羟基氧化铁(FeOOH)合成过程中掺入硅(Si)来制备硅羟基氧化铁(Si-FeOOH)催化剂,比较其与FeOOH在物理强度等方面的差异,同时研究Si-FeOOH催化臭氧氧化降解活性艳红的效能、推断反应机理、考察各种因素对脱色率的影响.结果表明:相对于FeOOH,Si-FeOOH的物理强度有所提高,在水溶液中不易破碎;Si-FeOOH催化臭氧氧化降解活性艳红效果显著,比单独臭氧氧化的脱色率有较大提高;催化过程遵循自由基反应机理;脱色率随着臭氧浓度的增加而升高,在应用Si-FeOOH催化臭氧对染料脱色时存在最佳催化剂投量;Si-FeOOH在中性条件下其催化活性显著,催化剂性能稳定,可重复利用.
- Abstract:In this study, Si was added into FeOOH to prepare Si-FeOOH, and the physical intensity and other properties of Si-FeOOH and FeOOH were compared. The influencing factors of Si-FeOOH-catalyzed ozone on red MX-5B degradation were studied, and the reaction mechanism and the efficiency of decolorization ratio were investigated. The result indicated that, compared with FeOOH, Si-FeOOH had higher physical intensity and was not likely to be crushed in water solution. The iron dissolution was effectively prevented because of the addition of Si, and the effect of Si-FeOOH-catalyzed ozone on red MX-5B degradation was obvious. The decolorization ratio of Si-FeOOH was improved. and the catalytic process followed free radical reaction mechanism. The decolorization ratios increased in response to the increased ozone concentration, whereas the dosage of the catalyst existed an optimum value. Si-FeOOH had a distinct catalytic activity under the neutral condition. The capability of the catalyst was stable, and the catalyst can be recycled and reused.
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