- Oral exposure risk assessment of combined pollution in Taihu Lake Basin of South Jiangsu Province, China
- 基金项目:国家环保公益性行业科研专项(No.200909101,201109009);国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(No.2008CB418205);国家自然科学基金项目(No. 21177119)
- 于云江
- 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所, 广州 510655
- 摘要:对太湖流域(江苏南部)无锡、常州、镇江3市经口介质(地下水、土壤、农作物共389个样品)中Cu、Pb、Cd等8种重金属和有机污染物DDTs的污染状况进行实验室分析,运用US EPA推荐的暴露风险评估模型,对研究区人群进行了暴露参数实测,考虑中国居民膳食习惯,对太湖流域居民经口途径的暴露风险进行评估.研究结果表明:太湖流域重金属、有机污染物污染较严重;传统方式估算的太湖流域人群经口暴露风险,男性总暴露风险为9.07×10-3,女性为1.00×10-2;考虑综合处理因素的流域人群经口暴露风险,男性为3.94×10-3,女性为4.35×10-3.食物源经口介质采用传统方式估算的暴露风险值和经综合处理后的暴露风险值均高于可接受暴露风险水平,致癌风险明显高于非致癌风险,Cd的致癌风险对暴露风险值贡献率最大,其次为Pb.
- Abstract:The pollution of Cu, Pb, Cd and other heavy metals and organic contaminants (DDTs) in oral media (groundwater, soil, crops, 389) from Wuxi, Changzhou and Zhenjiang in the Taihu Lake Basin (south China) were analyzed by laboratory testing. The exposure risk assessment model recommended by U.S. EPA was used. The residents' oral route of exposure risk in Taihu Lake Basin was assessed with the measured exposure parameters and the dietary habits in China were considered. The results showed that the pollution of heavy metals and organic pollutants were serious in Taihu Lake Basin. The population risk of exposure by oral estimated by the traditional way in Taihu Lake Basin showed that the total exposure risk was 9.07×10-3 to male and 1.00×10-2 to female. Considering the oral exposure risk in basin by the factors of the integrated treatment, the total exposure risk was 3.94×10-3 to male and 4.35×10-2 to female. The exposure risks food source by oral media from traditional methods and from post-integrated treatment were both higher than the acceptable level of risk. Carcinogenic risk was significantly higher than non-cancer risk, and the carcinogenic risk of Cd played an important role to the total risk of exposure. The carcinogenic risk of Pb was lower than that of Cd.
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