
  • 朱政豫,王如意,李咏梅.ASM1耦合曝气模型对污水处理厂的模拟研究[J].环境科学学报,2013,33(6):1629-1636

  • ASM1耦合曝气模型对污水处理厂的模拟研究
  • Aeration model coupled with ASM1: Case study for wastewater treatment plant
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展(863)计划(No.2011AA060902);上海市国际合作项目(No.11230700700)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 朱政豫
  • 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092
  • 王如意
  • 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092
  • 李咏梅
  • 同济大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海 200092
  • 摘要:为了更好地模拟污水处理厂实际的曝气方式及溶解氧浓度,采用更加精确的曝气模型对某污水处理厂进行了模拟研究.该模型考虑了污泥浓度、堵塞及温度等因素对氧传质的影响,并将该曝气模型与ASM1相耦合.首先,通过灵敏度分析确定了对该污水处理厂出水指标影响较大的参数,分别为异养菌产率系数YH、异养菌最大比增长速率μH、自养菌最大比增长速率μA及自养菌氧利用半饱和系数KOA.然后,测定部分灵敏度较高的参数并使用测量结果对模型进行校正,校正结果使用希尔系数表征.最后,使用另一批数据对校正参数进行验证.模拟的COD、氨氮、总氮和好氧池末端溶解氧的希尔不等系数分别是0.13、0.23、0.20和0.15,而通过控制溶解氧浓度或理论氧转移效率模型模拟则出现氨氮、溶解氧、总氮及COD的希尔不等系数不同程度上升的结果.校验后的ASM1/曝气耦合模型参数可以很好地应用于污水处理厂的模拟当中,对于优化污水厂曝气控制具有重要意义.
  • Abstract:In order to simulate the particular aeration method and dissolved oxygen concentration in the real WWTP more precisely, a more dedicated aeration model was used in this work, which considers the effect of sludge concentration, fouling and temperature on the real oxygen transfer efficiency. The proposed aeration model was then coupled with ASM1 developed by IWA. A sensitivity analysis was firstly adopted to screen out the most influential parameters, YH, μH, μA and KOA, and some of these parameters were then determined through experiment. Finally, the parameters combined with the data collected from the WWTP were used to calibrate the effluent of COD, TN and ammonia as well as the DO concentration in the aeration tank. The simulation results were characterized by the Theil inequality coefficient (TIC) and validated by the calibrated model. The results indicate that the selected aeration model is suitable for the prediction of the DO concentration with TIC of 0.13, 0.23, 0.20 and 0.15 for COD, ammonia, TN and DO concentration, respectively. However, if controlling the DO concentration in each aerated tank or using the standard oxygen transfer coefficiency model, TIC for above parameters increased. In conclusion, the validated coupled model can be used for the guidance of the operation and optimization of the aeration process in WWTP.

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