
  • 李红祥,王金南,葛察忠.中国“十一五”期间污染减排费用-效益分析[J].环境科学学报,2013,33(8):2270-2276

  • 中国“十一五”期间污染减排费用-效益分析
  • A cost-benefit analysis of the pollution reduction during the eleventh five-year period in China
  • 基金项目:中国环境与发展国际合作委员会《中国"十二五"环境目标实现机制与政策》课题资助项目;环境保护部公益性行业科研专项(No.201209001)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李红祥
  • 环境保护部环境规划院, 国家环境规划与政策模拟重点实验室, 北京 100012
  • 王金南
  • 环境保护部环境规划院, 国家环境规划与政策模拟重点实验室, 北京 100012
  • 葛察忠
  • 环境保护部环境规划院, 国家环境规划与政策模拟重点实验室, 北京 100012
  • 摘要:为了定量评估"十一五"期间COD、SO2两项主要污染物减排的综合绩效,采用费用-效益分析方法对COD、SO2 的减排费用和减排效益进行了计算.减排费用的计算主要基于现有的统计数据,包括工业污染源治理投入、城市环境基础设施建设投入、污染治理设施运行费用3部分.减排效益的计算思路则为:由于污染减排的直接效果体现为污染物排放量的减少,而污染排放量的减少将导致环境污染损失的减少,因此,将由于实施污染减排政策减少污染排放而降低的"环境污染损失"来等同"污染减排效益".经过计算可知,"十一五"期间,COD、SO2的静态削减率分别为12.45%和14.29%,动态削减率分别为59.05%和86.83%.采用费用-效益分析方法计算得到"十一五"期间全国污染减排的总费用为6324.87亿元,总效益为33284.86亿元,净效益为26959.48亿元,费用效益比为5.26.结果表明,"十一五"期间,全国2项污染物减排的环境效益和经济效益显著.
  • Abstract:In order to quantify the emission reduction performance of COD and SO2 during the eleventh five-year period, a cost-benefit analysis was conducted. The calculation of reduction cost was based on the existing statistical data including investment in the treatment of industrial pollution, the investment in the construction of urban infrastructure, and the operation cost of pollution treatment facilities. The reduction benefit was considered equal to the reduction of "environmental pollution loss" resulted from the implementation of emission reduction policies. The reason was that the direct effect of emission reduction was the decrease of pollutants discharge, which led to the reduction of environmental pollution loss. During the eleventh five-year period, the static reduction rate of COD and SO2 is 12.45% and 14.29%, respectively, and the dynamic reduction rate is 59.05% and 86.83%, respectively. Cost-benefit analysis calculated that during the eleventh five-year plan period, the total national pollution reduction cost is 632.49 billion yuan and the total benefit for national pollution reduction is 3.33 trillion yuan, leading to a net benefit of 2.70 trillion yuan and a cost-effectiveness ratio of 5.26. It can be concluded that both the environmental and economic benefits from COD and SO2 emissions reduction are significant during the eleventh five-year period.

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