- Biomass components characterization during the aerobic composting of kitchen waste combined with water hyacinth
- 基金项目:"十二五"国家科技支持计划项目(No.2013BAJ10B06);宁波市科技局项目(No.2010C50022)
- 李兵
- 宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院, 宁波 315211
- 王英
- 宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院, 宁波 315211
- 董志颖
- 宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院, 宁波 315211
- 摘要:为解决农村生活垃圾处理实践中存在的问题,并对水葫芦的堆肥化处理进行探索.利用自行设计的能量输入式高温好氧堆肥系统,以农村生活垃圾主要组成——餐厨垃圾及餐厨垃圾+水葫芦混合物料为堆肥化对象,测定与分析了堆肥化过程中温度、有机质的变化规律,并分类表征了总糖、还原糖、淀粉、脂肪、蛋白质5种生物质组分的演变趋势.同时,借助C/N比值、CEC/TOC比值的变化及GI指数评估了堆肥的腐熟度.研究表明,在外界环境温度小于8 ℃的情况下,与单一餐厨垃圾堆肥化处理相比,混合物料堆肥化升温更快(1 d即达40 ℃,3 d达52 ℃),处于高温堆肥化时间更长(8 d),堆肥无害化程度更高,有机质降解更迅速且降解程度高;而且,混合物料有助于提高总糖、还原糖、淀粉、脂肪与蛋白质5种生物质组分的降解水平.腐熟度评估结果表明,在约11 d的堆肥化时间内,能量输入式好氧堆肥系统能够使单一餐厨垃圾堆肥达到基本腐熟,餐厨垃圾与水葫芦混合物堆肥达到完全腐熟.
- Abstract:Rural solid waste could not be treated efficiently due to the absence of appropriate treatment facility, posing threats to local environment. In this work, a thermophilic aerobic composting system utilizing imported energy was developed to treat rural kitchen wastes with and without combination of water hyacinth, respectively. Variations of the main composting factors including temperature, organic matters, and five biomass components (total sugar, reducing sugar, starch, fat and protein) were determined. Maturities of composting were evaluated by C/N ratio, CEC/TOC ratio and GI. Results indicated that temperature of combined composting system increased faster (40 ℃ in 1 d and 52 ℃ in 3 d) than single rural kitchen wastes system (23 ℃ in 1 d and 42 ℃ in 3 d). Thermophilic composting period was longer (8 d versus 5 d), and degradation of organic matters and five biomass components were more significant. At the same time, C/N ratio, CEC/TOC ratio, and GI suggested that kitchen wastes were mostly mature and combined wastes were entirely mature in 11 days, which were driven by the thermophlic aerobic composting system utilizing imported energy. This study showed that the composting design is efficient for rural solid waste treatment.
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