
  • 何敏,王幸锐,韩丽.四川省大气固定污染源排放清单及特征[J].环境科学学报,2013,33(11):3127-3137

  • 四川省大气固定污染源排放清单及特征
  • Air pollutant emission inventory and characteristics from stationary sources in Sichuan Province
  • 基金项目:四川省财政厅专项资助(No. 2012001-2)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 何敏
  • 四川省环境保护科学研究院, 成都 610041
  • 王幸锐
  • 四川省环境保护科学研究院, 成都 610041
  • 韩丽
  • 四川省环境保护科学研究院, 成都 610041
  • 摘要:根据收集到的四川省电厂、工业及民用部门的活动水平数据,采用合理的估算方法和排放因子,建立了四川省2010年大气固定污染源排放清单.结果表明:12010年四川省固定源共排放SO2 84.1万t、NOx 44.9万t、CO 318.8万t、PM10 44.1万t、PM2.5 25.5万t、VOC 17.9万t;2电厂和工业过程是固定源排放的主要贡献源;3燃煤是固定燃烧排放的主要贡献源,煤矸石、焦炭、天然气对污染物的贡献也不容忽视,水泥、钢铁、轻工业制造是本地区主要的工业过程排放源;4宜宾、成都及攀枝花是固定源污染物的主要贡献城市,约占四川省总排放量的20%~40%;5电厂、能源工业燃烧清单的不确定性主要来自排放因子,而工业过程涉及排放源种类繁多且复杂,排放测试研究较少,不确定性较高.
  • Abstract:Based on the collected activity data and emission factors of power plants, industrial and residential sectors, a 2010-based stationary emission inventory was developed for Sichuan Province with the use of appropriate emission estimation methods. The results showed: 1 The total SO2, NOx, CO, PM10, PM2.5 and VOC emissions from stationary sources in Sichuan Province for the year of 2010 were 0.841 million tons, 0.449 million tons, 3.188 million tons, 0.441 million tons, 0.255 million tons and 0.179 million tons, respectively;2 The stationary source emissions were mainly from power plants and industrial processes;3 Coal combustion was the largest sub-sources to power plants, industry combustion and residential combustion emissions;coal residue, coke and natural gas combustion also had relatively important contributions to stationary combustion sources;cement production, steel and iron production and manufacture-light were three major industrial processes emission sources in Sichuan;4 Yibin, Chengdu and Panzhihua were cities with the largest stationary sources emissions, with a sum-contribution about 20%~40% of total emissions in Sichuan Province;and 5 The key uncertainty sources for power plants and industry combustion were the emission factors;as for industry processes, uncertainties may be relatively higher due to the absence of local emission measurements.

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