- Effects of environmental factors on the respiration rate of tubificidae
- 基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(No.Y12E080076);浙江省高等学校创新团队支持计划(No.T200912);浙江省教育厅项目(No.Y201017078)
- 楼菊青
- 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310012
- 曹永青
- 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310012
- 孙培德
- 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310012
- 摘要:水蚯蚓能通过摄食剩余污泥而使污泥减量.因此,本文以颤蚓科蠕虫 (Tubificidae)为研究对象,考察环境因子(水质、水蚯蚓投加量、温度、pH、溶解氧)对水蚯蚓呼吸速率的影响,以探明水蚯蚓生长和新陈代谢的最佳条件,揭示环境因子影响水蚯蚓污泥减量的机理.结果表明,水蚯蚓在"水蚯蚓-微生物"共生系统污泥减量装置出水中的呼吸速率最大,为81.72 mg·g-1·h-1·L-1(以单位体积内每g干重水蚯蚓每小时消耗的O2质量计(mg)),在蒸馏水中的呼吸速率最小,仅为18.31 mg·g-1·h-1·L-1;在容积为1 L的系统中,水蚯蚓呼吸速率随着投加量增加而逐渐减小,当水蚯蚓投加量为0.25 g (以湿重计)时,呼吸速率最大,为81.72 mg·g-1·h-1·L-1;在8~22℃范围内,水蚯蚓呼吸速率随温度升高而增大,在22~30℃范围内趋势则相反;当pH=8.00±0.05时呼吸速率最大,比其他pH值条件下测得的呼吸速率高1倍多;溶解氧在3.5~4.5 mg·L-1范围内,水蚯蚓的呼吸速率较高,在此溶解氧范围之外时,水蚯蚓呼吸速率均较低. 该研究结果可为污泥减量中水蚯蚓的培养和应用提供可靠的理论依据,从内在层次上揭示了环境因子影响水蚯蚓生长及代谢,进而影响污泥减量的本质原因.
- Abstract:Tubificidae is often used in the wastewater treatment systems to minimize the sludge production because it can feed on the activated sludge. The effects of water quality, worm quantity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration on the respiration rate of tubificidae were investigated to determine the optimal conditions for the growth and metabolism of the worms and to reveal the mechanisms involved in efficient sludge reduction in terms of these factors. The results indicated that the respiration rate was the highest (i.e., 81.72 mg·g-1·h-1·L-1) in the effluent discharged from a symbiotic ecosystem consisting of tubificidae and microbes, while it was the lowest (i.e.,18.31 mg·g-1·h-1·L-1) in distilled water. In a 1 L vessel, the respiration rate decreased gradually with increase of worm quantity and a highest rate (i.e., 81.72 mg·g-1·h-1·L-1) was obtained when the wet weight was 0.25 g. The respiration rate increased as temperature rose in the range from 8℃ to 22℃, whereas the rate declined between 22℃ and 30℃. The maximum tubificidae respiration rate was at a pH of 8.00±0.05, which was twice those observed at the other pH values. A very high respiration rate of tubificidae was achieved when DO was between 3.5 and 4.5 mg·L-1. However, the rate was much lower outside this range. The results revealed the mechanism of the effects on the growth and metabolism of tubificidae and sludge reduction at a microscopic level, which can provide a theoretical basis for the cultivation and application of tubificidae in wastewater treatment plants.
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