
  • 张灿,周志恩,翟崇治,陈刚才,张丹,余家燕,郑建军,吴莉萍.重庆市黑碳气溶胶特征及影响因素初探[J].环境科学学报,2014,34(4):812-818

  • 重庆市黑碳气溶胶特征及影响因素初探
  • Characteristics and influencing factors of black carbon aerosol in Chongqing
  • 基金项目:重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(No.CSTC,2012jjA1334);重庆市环保局环保科技项目(No.201201)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张灿
  • 重庆市环境科学研究院(重庆市环境监测中心), 城市大气环境综合观测与污染防控重庆市重点实验室, 重庆 401147
  • 周志恩
  • 重庆市环境科学研究院(重庆市环境监测中心), 城市大气环境综合观测与污染防控重庆市重点实验室, 重庆 401147
  • 翟崇治
  • 重庆市环境科学研究院(重庆市环境监测中心), 城市大气环境综合观测与污染防控重庆市重点实验室, 重庆 401147
  • 陈刚才
  • 重庆市环境科学研究院(重庆市环境监测中心), 城市大气环境综合观测与污染防控重庆市重点实验室, 重庆 401147
  • 张丹
  • 重庆市环境科学研究院(重庆市环境监测中心), 城市大气环境综合观测与污染防控重庆市重点实验室, 重庆 401147
  • 余家燕
  • 重庆市环境科学研究院(重庆市环境监测中心), 城市大气环境综合观测与污染防控重庆市重点实验室, 重庆 401147
  • 郑建军
  • 重庆市环境科学研究院(重庆市环境监测中心), 城市大气环境综合观测与污染防控重庆市重点实验室, 重庆 401147
  • 吴莉萍
  • 重庆市环境科学研究院(重庆市环境监测中心), 城市大气环境综合观测与污染防控重庆市重点实验室, 重庆 401147
  • 摘要:为了解影响重庆市黑碳气溶胶(Black Carbon,BC)污染的主要气象因素及BC的主要来源,对2012年重庆市BC与主要气象因素及燃煤、机动车产生的SO2、NOx进行了相关性分析,并分析了24 h内BC浓度变化与车流量的关系.结果显示,2012年,重庆市BC年日均浓度为(5.9±2.7)μg·m-3,占PM2.5年日均浓度的7.2%,BC小时浓度较大值出现在6:00—10:00及20:00—23:00.气温和相对湿度对BC浓度的影响不大.影响BC浓度的主要气象因素为风速,风速为0.5~1.5 m·s-1时,BC浓度随着风速增大而减小;当风速超过2 m·s-1时,BC浓度随风速增大而增加.BC与SO2、NOx的相关系数分别为0.374和0.542(p<0.01),表明重庆市BC与SO2、NOx来源相同,即燃煤和机动车尾气排放,且受机动车排放的影响更大.BC浓度24 h变化与车流量的关系表明,BC浓度日变化除了受到气象条件的影响外,还受机动车尤其是柴油重型车的影响,因此,需重点控制柴油机动车以控制重庆市区BC污染.
  • Abstract:In order to understand affect of main meteorological factors on black carbon (BC) aerosol and sources of BC in Chongqing, correlation analysis of BC between main meteorological factors and SO2, NOx derived from coal combustion and vehicles exhaust emission sources was conducted. Relationship between BC concentration and traffic volumes during 24 hours was also discussed. The results showed that, annual average concentration of BC was (5.9±2.7) μg·m-3 in 2012, accounting for 7.2% of PM2.5. Hourly BC concentrations were higher during 6:00 to 10:00 and 20:00 to 23:00. Wind speed was the most important meteorological factor for BC concentration, while the effects of temperature and relative humidity were insignificant. BC concentrations decreased with increasing wind speed when the wind speed was from 0.5 m·s-1 to 1.5 m·s-1, and increased with increasing wind speed when the wind speed exceeds 2 m·s-1. Correlation coefficients of BC between SO2 and NOx were 0.374 and 0.542 (p<0.01), respectively, which showed that BC was also mainly from coal combustion and vehicle exhaust emissions. The variety of BC concentrations and traffic volumes during 24 hours showed that, in addition to the impact of meteorological conditions, diurnal variation of BC concentrations was also influenced by vehicles patterns especially heavy-duty diesel vehicles. Controlling of diesel vehicles should be prioritized in order to control BC pollution in urban area of Chongqing.

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