
  • 张龙,涂勇,吴伟,刘伟京.生物活性炭(PACT)对印染废水A2/O工艺强化运行效果的表征[J].环境科学学报,2014,34(3):664-670

  • 生物活性炭(PACT)对印染废水A2/O工艺强化运行效果的表征
  • Characterization of improved performance by powdered active carbon treatment (PACT) for dyeing wastewater treatment using A2/O process
  • 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2012ZX07101-003,2012ZX07301-005)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张龙
  • 1. 江苏省环境科学研究院, 南京 210036;2. 江苏省环境工程重点实验室, 南京 210036
  • 涂勇
  • 1. 江苏省环境科学研究院, 南京 210036;2. 江苏省环境工程重点实验室, 南京 210036
  • 吴伟
  • 1. 江苏省环境科学研究院, 南京 210036;2. 江苏省环境工程重点实验室, 南京 210036
  • 刘伟京
  • 1. 江苏省环境科学研究院, 南京 210036;2. 江苏省环境工程重点实验室, 南京 210036
  • 摘要:采用A2/O(PACT)工艺处理水解酸化后的印染废水,对其生物强化效果进行了表征.结果表明:在粉末活性炭投加量为100 mg · L-1的条件下,对比A2/O工艺,A2/O(PACT)对COD的去除率提升超过10%,其处理能力可以达到0.6~1.0 kg · kg-1活性炭,有效提升了系统的冬季运行效果.GC-MS、毒性表征结果表明,A2/O(PACT)针对苯环类、稠环类、杂环类等特征有机污染物具有更好的处理效果.紫外-可见光光谱以及分子量分布检测结果表明:A2/O(PACT)对大分子物质(染料类、腐殖类显色物质等,800~1000 Da)的去除有较为明显的促进效果.此外,针对污泥的镜检发现,A2/O(PACT)活性污泥中具备更加完整的生物相,SEM检测结果也表明,PACT系统中粉末活性炭的生物载体作用明显.
  • Abstract:The improved performance of A2/O(PACT) technology is characterized in comparison with conventional A2/O process in treatment of dyeing wastewater after hydrolysis acidification. The result shows that COD removal increased over 10% in A2/O(PACT) under a certain dosing quantity (100 mg · L-1) of powdered active carbon (PAC), while the experimental result demonstrates that treatment capacity of A2/O(PACT) could reach 0.6~1.0 kg · kg-1 PAC, and its operating efficiency and stability is greatly improved in winter. In addition, A2/O(PACT) process exhibits a higher removal efficiency in aromatic-, polycyclic-and heterocyclic-compounds characterized by GC-MS. The treatment performance for macro-molecular substance (e.g. dyestuff and humus with molecular weight of 800~1000 Da) is also improved by A2/O(PACT) detected by UV-VIS spectrometer and Gel permeation chromatography. Meanwhile, microscopic examination and electronic microscope photograph analysis show that A2/O(PACT) has a more complete biological biofacies, and the enhancement of PACT process could be attributed to the biological carrier role of the PAC.

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