
  • 马建华,马诗院,陈云增.河南某污灌区土壤-作物-人发系统重金属迁移与积累[J].环境科学学报,2014,34(6):1517-1526

  • 河南某污灌区土壤-作物-人发系统重金属迁移与积累
  • Migration and accumulation of heavy metals in soil-crop-hair system in a sewage irrigation area, Henan, China
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41171409,41201211,41301336);教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(No.12JJD790023);教育部和河南省共建河南大学项目(No.SBGJ090101)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 马建华
  • 河南大学资源与环境研究所, 开封 475004;河南大学黄河文明与可持续研究中心, 开封 475004
  • 马诗院
  • 济源市环境科学研究所, 济源 459000
  • 陈云增
  • 河南大学资源与环境研究所, 开封 475004
  • 摘要:开展污灌区土壤-作物-人发系统(SCHS)重金属迁移与积累研究,对于维护农田生态系统和人体健康具有重要意义.以河南某污灌区为例,采集土壤和小麦籽粒样品各27份、人发样品355份,用原子吸收法测定Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd含量,用二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法测定As含量,开展重金属在SCHS中的迁移与积累探讨.结果表明,污灌区土壤和小麦籽粒发生了不同程度的重金属污染.土壤Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd和As平均含量分别为40.63、203.47、22.10、1.84、26.87 mg·kg-1,小麦籽粒中上述重金属平均含量分别为10.10、25.83、0.87、0.56、0.35 mg·kg-1,都高于对照区.污灌区人发中上述重金属平均含量分别为14.11、143.13、13.24、0.19、1.97 mg·kg-1,高于对照区,人发多数重金属含量随年龄增长呈增加趋势,男性高于女性.污灌区人发对小麦籽粒重金属的富集系数(BAF人发/小麦)远大于小麦籽粒对土壤重金属的富集系数(BAF小麦/土壤),人发对大多数重金属的放大作用显著.在SCHS中,大多数重金属沿土壤→小麦籽粒→人发的迁移与积累曲线呈不规则"V"形,长期污灌样点的土壤和小麦籽粒重金属污染程度、人发重金属含量都高于"清污"混灌的样点.
  • Abstract:It is of great significance to investigate the migration and accumulation of heavy metals (HMs) in soil-crop-hair system (SCHS) in sewage irrigation areas for maintenance of farmland ecosystem and human health. In this sense, samples of soil (n=27), wheat grain (n=27), and human hair (n=355) were collected from a sewage irrigation area in Henan Province as a case study. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was applied to determine contents of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd and silver diethyldthiocarbamate spectrophotometry was applied to determine contents of As for revealing the migration and accumulation mechanisms of HMs in SCHS. The result shows: that soils and wheat grains in the sewage irrigation area are contaminated by heavy metals in certain degrees. The mean contents of Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, As are 40.63, 203.47, 22.10, 1.84, 26.87 mg·kg-1 in soils, 10.10, 25.83, 0.87, 0.56, 0.35 mg·kg-1 in wheat grains, and 14.11, 143.13, 13.24, 0.19, 1.97 mg·kg-1 in scalp hair, respectively. They are all higher than those in the controlled area. There is a positive tendency for the age regarding the contents of HMs, and they are higher in male hair than in female hair. The mean bioaccumulation factors (BAF) of HMs from wheat grain to human hair are much higher than that from soil to wheat grain, which indicates that human hair has significant biomagnification for HMs. Our study indicates that there is an irregular "V" shape for the migration path in SCHS. Another important finding is that pollution indexes (PI) of HMs in soils and wheat grains, and the HM contents in human hair in areas irrigated by sewage water for a long time are much higher than those in areas irrigated by both sewage water and groundwater.

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