
  • 麦博儒,邓雪娇,安兴琴,周凌晞,谭浩波,李菲,李楠.基于碳源汇模式系统Carbon Tracker的广东省近地层典型CO2过程模拟研究[J].环境科学学报,2014,34(7):1833-1844

  • 基于碳源汇模式系统Carbon Tracker的广东省近地层典型CO2过程模拟研究
  • Simulation of typical surface CO2 cases over Guangdong region base on Carbon Tracker numerical model
  • 基金项目:广东省自然科学基金项目(No.S2012040007057);国家重点基础研究发展计划(No.2010CB950601);中国气象局气候变化基础能力建设项目(No.CCSF201306,CCSF201405);广东省气象局科学技术研究项目(No.2012B10,2011B02);广东科技计划项目(No.2012A061400012,2011A032100006);广州热带海洋气象研究所博士启动基金(No.220037)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 麦博儒
  • 中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所/广东省区域数值天气预报重点实验室, 广州 510080
  • 邓雪娇
  • 中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所/广东省区域数值天气预报重点实验室, 广州 510080
  • 安兴琴
  • 中国气象科学研究院, 北京 100081
  • 周凌晞
  • 中国气象科学研究院, 北京 100081
  • 谭浩波
  • 中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所/广东省区域数值天气预报重点实验室, 广州 510080
  • 李菲
  • 中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所/广东省区域数值天气预报重点实验室, 广州 510080
  • 李楠
  • 中国气象局气象探测中心, 北京 100081
  • 摘要:利用瓦里关全球本底站和番禺气象局站地面观测的CO2浓度资料对改进的Carbon Tracker-2010(CT-2010)模式系统进行了验证.结果显示,CT-2010能较好地反映近地层CO2浓度的分布状况,在瓦里关地区,模拟值与观测值的决定系数(R2)为0.584,残差为4.49 μmol·mol-1,相对误差为1.18%;在珠三角地区,上述3个参数值分别为0.430、13.89 μmol·mol-1和3.63%.利用CT-2010模式对广东地区近地层典型CO2过程及其影响因素进行了模拟和分析研究.结果表明:在典型高、低浓度CO2过程中,以广州为中心的珠三角区域始终为CO2浓度高值区,从东北至西南方向的梅州、河源、广州、肇庆和云浮等区域存在明显的CO2聚集带.在典型高浓度CO2过程中,珠三角和粤北区域的CO2浓度上升最明显, 而粤东和粤西地区的CO2浓度变化较小;在典型低浓度过程中,珠三角、粤北及粤东的CO2浓度波动明显小于过程前和过程后,而粤西地区的CO2浓度波动较大.这些变化主要是受到了风场、下垫面植被、相对湿度及气温等因子的显著影响.
  • Abstract:Measurements of surface CO2 concentrations from a background site on the Tibetan Plateau (Waliguan, WLG) and a meteorological observatory in Guangdong (Panyu, PYQXJ) were used to validate the newly-improved Carbon Tracker (CT-2010) numerical model. The model captures well the distribution of surface CO2 concentrations. Determination coefficients(R2), residuals, and relative errors from a linear regression of model-simulated surface CO2 concentrations as a function of ground measurements are 0.584, 4.49 μmol·mol-1, and 1.18%, respectively, at the WLG site and 0.430, 13.89 μmol·mol-1, and 3.63%, respectively, at the PYQXJ site. Based upon time series of mean surface CO2 concentrations measured at Shenzhen City, two cases were identified: a low CO2 concentration case (18-20 March 2007) and a high CO2 concentration case (16-21 December 2007). Mean simulated CO2 concentrations over Guangdong for these two cases were then analyzed. Overall, the highest CO2 concentrations were centered over the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, especially over Guangzhou City, and spread over a zone from the northeast to the southeast of Guangdong. The increase in CO2 concentration was relatively lower in eastern and western Guangdong, but higher over the PRD region and northern Guangdong in the high CO2 concentration case. Less change in the distribution of CO2 concentrations over the PRD region and in northern and eastern Guangdong before and after the period selected for the low CO2 concentration case was seen. In general, changes in CO2 concentrations over Guangdong were influenced significantly by the wind field, vegetation, relative humidity, and temperature.

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