唐美珍,丁鹏飞,夏欣,陈莹,郑美妍,韩志箫,袁敏.Pseudomonas flava WD-3在人工湿地污水净化中的应用研究[J].环境科学学报,2014,34(8):1995-2000
Pseudomonas flava WD-3在人工湿地污水净化中的应用研究
- Application of Pseudomonas flava WD-3 for the sewage purification in the artificial wetland
- 基金项目:山东省自然科学基金(No.ZR2013EEQ009);曲阜师范大学校级项目 (No.XJZ200825)
- 唐美珍
- 曲阜师范大学南四湖湿地生态与环境保护重点实验室, 曲阜 273165
- 丁鹏飞
- 曲阜师范大学南四湖湿地生态与环境保护重点实验室, 曲阜 273165
- 夏欣
- 曲阜师范大学南四湖湿地生态与环境保护重点实验室, 曲阜 273165
- 陈莹
- 曲阜师范大学南四湖湿地生态与环境保护重点实验室, 曲阜 273165
- 郑美妍
- 曲阜师范大学南四湖湿地生态与环境保护重点实验室, 曲阜 273165
- 韩志箫
- 曲阜师范大学南四湖湿地生态与环境保护重点实验室, 曲阜 273165
- 袁敏
- 天津市环境保护科学研究院, 天津 300191
- 摘要:为了研究Pseudomonas flava WD-3在复合垂直流人工湿地中对污水的处理效果,将其按照不同梯度接种量(菌悬液浓度为4.575×108 个·mL-1)投加到复合垂直流人工湿地中,研究其对污水中氨氮、CODCr、NO2--N、NO3--N、总磷的去除效果,确定该菌株的最佳投加量,建立降解动力学模型.结果表明,该菌株对污水中的有机污染物以及氮磷等营养物具有明显的去除效果.菌株的最佳投加量为6.0%,且对污水中NH4+-N、COD、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮、TP的去除效果分别为未投加该菌的1.49、1.48、1.45、1.41、1.83倍,且去除性能稳定.低温菌Pseudomonas flava WD-3对污水中各污染物的降解过程符合一级反应动力学模型.
- Abstract:In order to study the wastewater treatment performance of Pseudomonas flava WD-3 in the integrated vertical-flow constructed wetland, the removal rates of NH4+-N, CODCr, NO2--N, NO3--N and TP were studied under different bacterial dosages (with the bacterial suspension concentration of 4.575×108 mL-1), which would determine the best dosage and establish the kinetic model of degradation by the above strain. The results showed that the organic pollutants, nitrogen and phosphorus in the sewage could be efficiently removed by Pseudomonas flava WD-3. The optimal dosage of this strain was 6.0%, and the removal rates of NH4+-N, COD, NO2--N, NO3--N and TP from the sewage were 1.49, 1.48, 1.45, 1.41 and 1.83 times that of control and are stable. In addition, the pseudo-first order model could fit the degradation of pollutants by Pseudomonas flava WD-3 well.
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