• 张欣,彭小勇,黄帅.铀尾矿库尾矿砂大气污染的控制研究[J].环境科学学报,2014,34(11):2878-2884

  • 铀尾矿库尾矿砂大气污染的控制研究
  • Atmospheric pollution control research of tailing sands in a uranium tailings impoundment
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.11075072)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张欣
  • 南华大学城市建设学院, 衡阳 421001
  • 彭小勇
  • 南华大学城市建设学院, 衡阳 421001
  • 黄帅
  • 南华大学城市建设学院, 衡阳 421001
  • 摘要:铀尾矿库运行期间,裸露的尾矿以扬尘形式对周边地区造成环境污染和辐射危害.因此,本文以平地型铀尾矿库为对象,应用CFD技术,探讨滩面形状(弧形、棱形和锥形)对减轻或控制运行期间尾矿库滩面颗粒物的大气迁移和环境污染的作用.结果表明,常年主导风速V=1.0 m·s-1条件下,以1 mg·m-3的浓度为抑尘标准时弧形滩面抑尘效果最为明显,棱形滩面和锥形滩面抑尘效果较差.通过对不同风速下几种滩面形状防护效果的分析对比发现,小风速(V=0.5 m·s-1)下3种滩面形式辐射防护均效果良好,但随风速的增大效果逐渐减弱;弧形滩面条件下综合防护效果最佳.
  • Abstract:Bared tailing sands could cause radiation hazard to the surrounding environmental and public during the operating of uranium tailings impoundments. Base on the CFD technology, the dust-controlling and radiation protection effect of different beach shapes(arc beach, prismatic beach and pyramid beach) were discussed to reduce or control the particle migration and environmental pollution for a ground-type uranium tailings impoundment. The numerical results show the dust-controlling effect of arc beach at the wind speed of 1.0 m·s-1is better than the prismatic and pyramid beach at the suppression concentration standard of 1 mg·m-3 in the uranium tailings impoundment. Contrastive analysis show the radiation protection effect of all the three beaches are good under the relative small wind speed (V=0.5 m·s-1). With the increase of wind speeds the radiation protection effects decrease gradually. In a word, the comprehensive protection effect on the condition of the arc beach is considered the best.

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