• 杨洋,刘其根,胡忠军,张毅敏,高月香.太湖流域沉积物碳氮磷分布与污染评价[J].环境科学学报,2014,34(12):3057-3064

  • 太湖流域沉积物碳氮磷分布与污染评价
  • Spatial distribution of sediment carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and pollution evaluation of sediment in Taihu Lake Basin
  • 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项 (No.2012ZX07101-007); 农业部淡水生物多样性保护与利用重点开放实验室开放课题(No.LFBCUO711);上海高校知识服务平台上海海洋大学水产动物遗传育种中心项目(No.ZF1206)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杨洋
  • 上海海洋大学农业部水产种质资源与利用重点开放实验室, 上海 201306
  • 刘其根
  • 上海海洋大学农业部水产种质资源与利用重点开放实验室, 上海 201306
  • 胡忠军
  • 上海海洋大学农业部水产种质资源与利用重点开放实验室, 上海 201306
  • 张毅敏
  • 环保部南京环境科学研究所, 南京 210042
  • 高月香
  • 环保部南京环境科学研究所, 南京 210042
  • 摘要:对太湖流域14个湖泊、8条河流和7座水库的沉积物碳氮磷进行了测定,对不同水体类型沉积物碳氮磷含量及其比值进行了比较,并对沉积物污染程度进行了评价.结果发现,太湖流域有机碳、总氮和总磷含量分别为14.453、1.748和0.760 g · kg-1.沉积物有机碳和总氮含量在不同水体类型间存在显著差异,两者均是水库最高,河流最低;总磷相反,但不同水体类型间无显著差异.C:N、C:P和N:P比在不同水体类型间差异显著,C:N比河流最高、水库最低,C:P和N:P比相反,河流最低、水库最高.沉积物有机碳含量与总氮(p<0.01)、总磷(p<0.05)含量均显著正相关,但总氮与总磷不相关.水产养殖活动和水草导致沉积物碳氮显著增加,但对磷无显著影响.有机氮指数和综合污染指数显示,太湖流域84.9%~91.9%的站点的污染水平为Ⅲ~Ⅳ级,且水库的污染程度甚于湖泊和河流.结果显示,水库沉积物氮、磷和湖泊沉积物氮主要以有机态存在,湖泊沉积物磷中存在更多的无机磷.
  • Abstract:The total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) of sediment from 14 lakes, 8 rivers, and 7 reservoirs of Taihu Lake Basin were measured in spring of 2010. The nutrient contents and ratios were compared among different types of water body, i.e., lake, reservoir and river. Meanwhile, the sediment pollution status was assessed using organic nitrogen index (ON) and comprehensive pollution index (FF). The mean contents of TOC, TN and TP in the basin were 14.453, 1.748 and 0.760 g · kg-1, respectively. There were significant differences in TOC and TN among different types of water body with maximum TOC and TN for the reservoir and minimum for the river. The reverse distribution pattern was found for TP with little difference among different types of water body. Sediment C:N, C:P and N:P ratios differed significantly among types of water body, with maximum C:N ratio for the river and minimum C:N ratio for the reservoir and the reverse distribution pattern of C:P and N:P ratios. Sediment TOC correlated significantly and positively with TN (p<0.01) and TP (p<0.05). However, no significant relationship was found between TN and TP. Aquaculture activity and macrophyte occurrence led to significant increase in sediment TOC and TN, but not in sediment TP. The ON and FF indicated that the sediment quality of 84.9% to 91.9% of 99 stations belonged to level Ⅲ to Ⅳ and the reservoir was the most polluted type of water body compared with the lake and river in terms of sediment quality. The results suggested that the sediment nitrogen and phosphorus of reservoirs and nitrogen of lakes were dominated by organic nitrogen and phosphorus, and that the sediment phosphorus of lake was dominated by inorganic phosphorus.

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