• 齐震,孙也,樊星,朱天乐.液相氧化-吸收脱除模拟烟气中NOx的研究[J].环境科学学报,2014,34(12):3133-3137

  • 液相氧化-吸收脱除模拟烟气中NOx的研究
  • Removal of NOx from simulated flue gas by aqueous-phase oxidation combined with absorption
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划课题(No. 2012AA062503);国家自然科学基金资助项目(No. 21377009)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 齐震
  • 北京航空航天大学化学与环境学院, 北京 100191
  • 孙也
  • 北京航空航天大学化学与环境学院, 北京 100191
  • 樊星
  • 北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院, 北京 100124
  • 朱天乐
  • 北京航空航天大学化学与环境学院, 北京 100191
  • 摘要:分别采用NaClO2和Na2SO3溶液作为氧化液和吸收液,在自行设计的鼓泡塔反应系统进行了液相氧化-吸收脱除模拟烟气NOx的研究,考察了气相SO2浓度、NaClO2和Na2SO3投加量以及pH值等因素对NO氧化和NOx脱除的影响.结果表明,SO2会优先于NO与氧化剂反应,从而增大氧化剂消耗量.偏酸性条件有利于NO氧化,但酸性太强会导致NaClO2分解为ClO2逸出.碱性吸收液对NO几乎不具吸收脱除效果,但共存NO2能促进NO的吸收脱除.SO2对NO2吸收脱除具有促进作用.
  • Abstract:Removal of NOx from simulated flue gas by aqueous-phase oxidation combined with absorption was studied in a self-designed bubble reaction system when NaClO2 and Na2SO3 solution were used as oxidant and absorbent solution, respectively. The effects of gas-phase SO2 concentration, Na2SO3 and NaClO2 dosages and pH on NO oxidation and NOx removal were investigated. The results show that the presence of SO2 is favorable for NaClO2 consumption because SO2 reacts with oxidant more easily than NO. NO is easily oxidized into NO2 under low pH conditions, but also decomposes more NaClO2 into ClO2. Partial NO is absorbed by alkaline solution in the presence of NO2 while this absorption reaction does not occur in the absence of NO2. SO2 promotes the absorption removal of NO2.

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