• 符传博,唐家翔,丹利,陈有龙.2013年冬季海口市一次气溶胶粒子污染事件特征及成因解析[J].环境科学学报,2015,35(1):72-79

  • 2013年冬季海口市一次气溶胶粒子污染事件特征及成因解析
  • Characteristics of an aerosol particle pollution event and its possible reason in Haikou City in winter 2013
  • 基金项目:海南省气象局科研项目(No.HNQXMS201402);公益性行业(气象)科研专项(No.GYHY201306009);海南省气象局科技创新项目(No.HN2013MS02)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 符传博
  • 1. 海南省气象台, 海口 570203;2. 中国科学院东亚区域气候-环境重点实验室, 中国科学院大气物理研究所, 北京 100029;3. 海南省南海气象防灾减灾重点实验室, 海口 570203
  • 唐家翔
  • 1. 海南省气象台, 海口 570203;2. 海南省南海气象防灾减灾重点实验室, 海口 570203
  • 丹利
  • 中国科学院东亚区域气候-环境重点实验室, 中国科学院大气物理研究所, 北京 100029
  • 陈有龙
  • 1. 海南省气象台, 海口 570203;2. 海南省南海气象防灾减灾重点实验室, 海口 570203
  • 摘要:海口市在2013年12月份发生了一次气溶胶粒子污染事件.本文利用相关资料对此进行诊断,发现海口市PM2.5在12月9日超过了国家环境空气质量二级标准限值,在11日达到该污染时段的最高值(日平均为87.96 μg·m-3),同时与能见度有一定的负向关系.分析表明,前期(7-9日上午),污染物主要以本地排放为主,而后期(9日中午到11日)与珠江三角洲地区的输送作用有密切关系,后向轨迹分析也表明后期海口市大气污染物可能来自珠三角地区.分析发现,气象背景场为这次气溶胶污染事件提供了有利的气象条件,500 hPa高度场冷空气活动偏北,925 hPa高度场的暖中心控制,形势稳定,逆温层的存在使得大气近地层更加稳定,低层风速偏小不利于近地面附近的污染物向外输送,水平风垂直切变偏弱有利于污染物在近地层堆积,其变化趋势与PM2.5浓度有一定的相关性.
  • Abstract:An aerosol particle event occurred in Haikou City in December 2013. This work showed that the concentration of PM2.5 in Haikou City exceeded threshold of the Grade 2 of national ambient air quality standard on the 9th and peaked on the 11th with the daily average value of 87.96 μg·m-3. The concentration had significantly negative correlation with the local visibility. In the former period (7th~9th am), the atmospheric pollutants were mainly from local emission. In the latter period (9th pm~11th) however, transport from the Pearl River Delta region played a more important role, which was verified by the backward trajectories simulation from HYSPLIT. Our analyses further suggested that the meteorological condition, which was associated with weak cold air movements in 500 hPa and a warm centre in 925 hPa, contributed greatly to this aerosol particle event. This low-level inversion layer made the atmosphere more stable with weak wind near the surface and prevented pollutant dispersions. The weakened vertical wind shear was favorable to the near-surface air pollutants accumulation. It had a good correlation with the concentration of PM2.5.

  • 摘要点击次数: 2017 全文下载次数: 1662