• 盛海燕,吴志旭,刘明亮,何剑波,虞左明,韩轶才,张银龙.新安江水库近10年水质演变趋势及与水文气象因子的相关分析[J].环境科学学报,2015,35(1):118-127

  • 新安江水库近10年水质演变趋势及与水文气象因子的相关分析
  • Water quality trends in recent 10 years and correlation with hydro-meteorological factors in Xin'anjiang Reservoir
  • 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2009ZX07528-003);杭州市环境保护科研计划重大项目(No.2010116);杭州市重大科技创新专项(No.20122513A01)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 盛海燕
  • 1. 南京林业大学生物与环境学院, 南京 210037;2. 杭州市环境保护科学研究院, 杭州 310014
  • 吴志旭
  • 淳安县环境保护监测站, 淳安 311700
  • 刘明亮
  • 杭州市环境保护科学研究院, 杭州 310014
  • 何剑波
  • 杭州市环境保护科学研究院, 杭州 310014
  • 虞左明
  • 杭州市环境保护科学研究院, 杭州 310014
  • 韩轶才
  • 杭州市环境保护科学研究院, 杭州 310014
  • 张银龙
  • 南京林业大学生物与环境学院, 南京 210037
  • 摘要:根据2003-2012年水质逐月监测数据和水文气象资料,对新安江水库水质和营养状态变化进行分析,探讨了新安江水库水质演变规律及其与水文气象因子之间的关系.结果表明,近10年间新安江水库总磷、总氮、生化需氧量和pH存在显著的年际变化.叶绿素a浓度上升趋势明显.综合营养状态指数显示水库营养状态由贫营养逐步向中营养转变.营养盐和叶绿素a浓度存在显著空间差异性,河流区高于过渡区和湖泊区,且丰水期高于枯水期,说明水库营养盐主要来自面源污染.年均气温及水温呈下降趋势,降雨量、出入库流量则呈上升趋势,相关分析表明水文气象因子对水质指标影响较大.
  • Abstract:Based on the monthly water quality monitoring data and hydro-meteorological data from 2003 to 2012, this study analyzed water quality and nutritional status in Xin'anjiang reservoir and investigated the relationship between water quality change and hydro-meteorological factors. The results showed that the interannual variability of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, BOD and pH value were significant in the past 10 years in Xin'anjiang Reservoir. Chlorophyll a concentration increased in recent 10 years. Comprehensive nutrition state index showed that the reservoir trophic status was improved gradually from oligotrophic to mesotrophic. Nutrient and chlorophyll a was higher in riverine zone than transitional and lacustrine zone and in flooding season than dry season, which indicated that reservoir nutrients came mainly from non-point source pollution. The mean annual air temperature and water temperature decreased, while rainfall, out flow and in flow increased. The correlation analysis showed that hydro-meteorological factors had significant impacts on water quality index.

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