• 李济吾,唐志鹏.电晕放电与络合催化联合同时去除烟气中SO2、NO实验研究[J].环境科学学报,2015,35(1):95-100

  • 电晕放电与络合催化联合同时去除烟气中SO2、NO实验研究
  • Simultaneous removal of SO2 and NO by corona discharge combined with liquid phase catalytic
  • 基金项目:浙江省重大科技专项(No.2012C03003-1);浙江环保科研计划项目(No.2013A031)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李济吾
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310018
  • 唐志鹏
  • 浙江工商大学环境科学与工程学院, 杭州 310018
  • 摘要:采用电晕放电与液相络合催化协同同时去除烟气中SO2和NO,电压、水流量、乙二胺合钴浓度、pH、SO2和NO初始浓度以及气流量对同时去除SO2和NO效率的影响进行了实验研究. 结果表明:NO去除率随着放电电压、水流量、乙二胺合钴浓度、pH的增加而增加,而随SO2和NO初始浓度、烟气流量的增大而减小;SO2去除率也随放电电压,水流量的增加而增加,随烟气流量的增加而下降,但溶液pH,SO2和NO初始浓度和乙二胺合钴浓度对其影响很小. 溶液中加入Mn2+和尿素能分别增强SO2和NO的去除效果.最佳条件为:电压 25 kV、水流量80 L·h-1,乙二胺合钴浓度0.02 mol·L-1,烟气流量1.0 m3·h-1、尿素浓度0.02 mol·L-1,Mn2+浓度为0.02 mol·L-1时,NO和SO2去除率分别可达68%和94%,对应能量消耗分别为22.2 g·kWh-1和75.2 g·kWh-1.
  • Abstract:The effects of voltage, water flow rate, cobalt ethylenediamine concentration, initial SO2 and NO concentration, gas flow rate and solution pH on simultaneous removal efficiency of SO2 and NO by corona discharge combined with liquid phase catalytic was investigated. The results showed that NO removal efficiency increased with increases of voltage, pH, cobalt ethylenediamine concentration and water flow rate, while decreased with increases of gas flow rate and initial concentrations of SO2 and NO. SO2 removal efficiency increased with increases of voltage and waters flow rate, while decreased with increase of gas flow rate, and nearly unchanged with increases of cobalt ethylenediamine concentration and initial concentrations of SO2 and NO. In addition, adding Mn2+ and urea into the solution can promote elimination of SO2 and NO. Under the experimental condition of voltage at 25 kV, water flow rate at 80 L·h-1, gas low rate at 1.0 m3·h-1, the concentration of cobalt ethylenediamine and Mn2+ solution at 0.02 mol·L-1, urea solution at 0.02 mol·L-1, the maximum removal efficiency of SO2 and NO reaches 94% and 68%, respectively, with the corresponding energy efficiency of 22.2 g·kWh-1 and 75.2 g·kWh-1.

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