• 吕炜,李金凤,王雪松,张远航.长距离污染传输对珠江三角洲区域空气质量影响的数值模拟研究[J].环境科学学报,2015,35(1):30-41

  • 长距离污染传输对珠江三角洲区域空气质量影响的数值模拟研究
  • Numerical modeling on the impact of long-range transport of air pollutants on the regional air quality in the Pearl River Delta
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.21190052,41175102);中欧科技合作项目2008(No.0811);欧盟CITYZEN项目(No.212095)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 吕炜
  • 北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100871
  • 李金凤
  • 北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100871
  • 王雪松
  • 北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100871
  • 张远航
  • 北京大学环境科学与工程学院, 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室, 北京 100871
  • 摘要:采用CMAQ模型系统对珠江三角洲(以下简称珠三角)区域2006年主要大气污染物浓度进行模拟,获得该区域主要污染物浓度时空分布和大气传输季节变化特征,并结合其它相关研究方法分析长距离传输对珠三角区域空气质量的影响.模型模拟结果揭示了珠三角NO2、SO2、PM10、PM2.5浓度具有秋冬季高、春夏季低的季节变化特征,而珠三角O3浓度的高值出现在秋季.零排放扰动法表明长距离传输对珠三角15个区域监测子站NO2、SO2、PM10和PM2.5浓度平均贡献分别为2.6%、13.9%、24.2%和28.1%,并且秋冬季长距离传输贡献大于春夏季.反向轨迹聚类方法显示珠三角区域代表性站点万顷沙72 h反向控制气团依据其来向可分为沿岸气团、大陆气团、区域环流和海洋气团.万顷沙站点主要污染物小时观测浓度大于150 μg·m-3的时段与短距离沿岸气团、短距离大陆气团以及区域环流主导下的污染物传输密切相关.四维传输通量分析结果证实,NO2污染传输通道无法由广东省外延伸至珠三角地区,因此珠三角大气NO2浓度主要来源于广东省内的排放.珠三角在受沿岸气团或大陆气团控制时存在从福建省或江西省一直延伸至珠三角的SO2和PM2.5高通量污染传输通道.因此控制珠三角区域大气污染需考虑区域背景气象条件差异,针对不同污染物采取不同的区域联防联控措施.
  • Abstract:The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model was applied to simulate the seasonal characteristics of temporal-spatial distribution and transport patterns for major ambient air pollutants. The impact of long-range transport on the regional air quality in the Pearl River Delta was analyzed in combination with other methods. The simulation results indicated higher NO2, SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in autumn and winter but lower levels in spring and summer as well as peak O3 concentrations in autumn. The results using zero-emission perturbation method showed that long-range transport contributed to ambient NO2, SO2, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations by 2.6%, 13.9%, 24.2% and 28.1%, respectively, at 15 regional monitoring sites. Long-range transport was more significant in autumn and winter than spring and summer. The 72-h back trajectory clustering analysis revealed four kinds of air masses that affected air quality at Wanqingsha, a regional representative monitoring site, including coastal air mass, continental air mass, regional circulated air mass and marine air mass, according to their origin. The highly polluted periods with concentrations of major pollutants greater than 150 μg·m-3 were often correlated with the transport of short-range coastal air mass, short-range continental air mass and regional circulated air mass. Four-dimensional flux calculation indicated that NO2 transport pathways outside Guangdong Province could not extend to the Pearl River Delta, thus NO2 in the Pearl River Delta could only be attributed to emissions inside Guangdong Province. High fluxes of SO2 and PM2.5 could be transported from Fujian Province or Jiangxi Province to the Pearl River Delta under the control of coastal air mass or continental air mass. It could be concluded that region-wide and collaborative efforts are important to effectively control air pollution in the Pearl River Delta. Different control measures should be applied for different ambient pollutants, taking regional background meteorological conditions into consideration.

  • 摘要点击次数: 1998 全文下载次数: 2396