• 吴义诚,王泽杰,刘利丹,邓欢,赵峰.利用光微生物燃料电池实现养猪废水资源化利用研究[J].环境科学学报,2015,35(2):456-460

  • 利用光微生物燃料电池实现养猪废水资源化利用研究
  • Resource recovery of swine wastewater using photo microbial fuel cells
  • 基金项目:中国科学院科技创新"交叉与合作团队"项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 吴义诚
  • 中国科学院城市污染物转化重点实验室, 中国科学院城市环境研究所, 厦门 361021
  • 王泽杰
  • 中国科学院城市污染物转化重点实验室, 中国科学院城市环境研究所, 厦门 361021
  • 刘利丹
  • 福建师范大学生命科学学院, 福州 350108
  • 邓欢
  • 南京师范大学地理科学学院, 南京 210023
  • 赵峰
  • 中国科学院城市污染物转化重点实验室, 中国科学院城市环境研究所, 厦门 361021
  • 摘要:采用光合细菌和微藻分别作为阳极和阴极接种物构建了双室光微生物燃料电池,考察了氮、磷浓度及阳极处理后的养猪废水对阴极微藻生长的影响,探讨了构建的光微生物燃料电池产电性能及去除养猪废水中COD、氨氮和总磷的效果.结果表明,阴极微藻不仅能利用无机硝态氮和氨氮,而且更喜好有机氮尿素;此外,阴极微藻可适应较高浓度的氮(250 mg·L-1)和磷(64.8 mg·L-1).构建的光微生物燃料电池以养猪废水为基质,外载为1000 Ω时,稳定输出电压为161 mV;养猪废水的COD、氨氮及总磷去除率分别为91.8%、90.2%和81.7%.养猪废水经阳极光合细菌处理后培养微藻16 d,藻细胞光密度(OD680)可达3.40,略低于对照BG11培养基.因此,构建的光微生物燃料电池在处理养猪废水产电的同时,可收获微藻实现养猪废水资源化.
  • Abstract:To investigate electricity-generating performance and the removal efficiencies of COD, ammonia and total phosphorus (TP) in swine wastewater, two-chamber photo microbial fuel cells (photo-MFCs) were constructed with photo bacteria and microalgae as anodic and Catholic Inoculums, respectively. The results showed that microalgae in cathode chamber was able to utilize both dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and ammonium) and dissolved organic nitrogen substrates (urea). The microalgae was adapted to high concentration of nitrogen (250 mg·L-1) and phosphorus (64.8 mg·L-1). The stable voltage output of the photo-MFCs using swine wastewater as the substrate reached 161 mV with an external resistance of 1000 Ω. The average COD, ammonia and TP removal efficiencies reached 91.8%, 90.2% and 81.7%, respectively. After being treated with photo bacteria, the algae were incubated for 16 days and the algal cell concentration (OD680) reached 3.40, which was higher than original swine wastewater (1.23) and twice diluted swine wastewater (1.12), and close to standard BG11 medium (3.7). Therefore, the photo-MFCs inoculated with photobacteria and microalgae can simultaneously generate electricity using swine wastewater and harvest photosynthetic microorganisms.

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