- Oxidation of detergents in water by UV/H2O2
- 基金项目:国家能源应用技术研究及工程示范项目(No.NY20120102);国家自然科学基金(No.51208279);高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金新教师类课题项目(No.20110002120020)
- 张薛
- 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院, 北京 100084
- 赵璇
- 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院, 北京 100084
- 摘要:表面活性剂是一类特殊的有机污染物,在去污、洗衣、印染等废水中广泛存在.本文以某电厂实用的5种去污剂为研究对象,考察了UV/H2O2对5种去污剂的矿化能力,研究了H2O2和去污剂初始浓度、初始pH值、去污剂种类、辐照时间等因素对氧化效果的影响.结果表明,5种去污剂在254 nm处均无较强吸收,单独UV辐照对其降解效果不明显.当去污剂初始DOC浓度为50 mg·L-1,H2O2最佳投加量为1 mL·L-1,反应时间为90 min时,对5种去污剂的矿化率(即DOC去除率)在53%~87%,矿化率随去污剂种类的不同而不同.对去污剂的矿化率随着UV辐照时间的延长而增大,去除率曲线符合一级反应动力学方程.废水初始pH值对氧化效果的影响不显著,H2O2/DOC比值对氧化效果有显著影响.研究表明,UV/H2O2技术能高效矿化水中的去污剂,H2O2/DOC比值和UV辐照时间是影响氧化效率的关键因素.
- Abstract:Surfactants are special organic pollutants and exist widely in decontamination, laundry and dyeing wastewater. In this study, the mineralization characteristics of five detergents used in a power plant were investigated using UV/H2O2 technology. The effects of initial concentration of H2O2 and surfactants, initial pH values, surfactant species and UV irradiation time were evaluated. All 5 detergents had no characteristic adsorption at 254 nm, and no obvious degradation was detected with UV irradiation only. When the initial DOC concentrations of detergents were 50 mg·L-1, the best conditions were with the initial H2O2 of 1 mL·L-1 and reaction time of 90 min. The DOC removals were 53%~87% and varied with the detergent species. The mineralization (removal of DOC) increased with UV irradiation time, and the reaction fit a first order kinetic model. The initial pH value had no significant effect on the oxidation processes, but the H2O2/DOC value obviously affected the DOC removal ratios. Based on this study, UV/H2O2 was effective in oxidizing detergents in water, during which H2O2/DOC value and UV irradiation time were key factors.
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