• 周自坚,刘文俊,虢清伟,王丽,许振成.壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚在碱性印染废水中的降解[J].环境科学学报,2015,35(6):1809-1816

  • 壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚在碱性印染废水中的降解
  • The degradation of nonylphenol ethoxylates in the alkaline dyeing wastewater
  • 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2012ZX07206-002)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 周自坚
  • 1. 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所, 广州 510655;2. 桂林理工大学环境科学与工程学院, 桂林 541004
  • 刘文俊
  • 江西俊鑫环境科技有限责任公司, 上饶 334000
  • 虢清伟
  • 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所, 广州 510655
  • 王丽
  • 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所, 广州 510655
  • 许振成
  • 环境保护部华南环境科学研究所, 广州 510655
  • 摘要:通过静态和动态连续降解实验,揭示了壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚(NPEO,Nonylphenol ethoxylates,浓度6.25~12.5 mg · L-1)在碱性牛仔布印染废水中的去除规律.批式活性污泥实验表明,厌氧环境下,随着pH值的增加,壬基酚(NP,Nonylphenol)产生受到抑制,短链NPEO(环氧乙烯加成数1~3,NP(1~3)EO)总浓度水平虽然只有500~900 μg · L-1,却呈现增加趋势;好氧环境下,尽管NPEO总量降解率超过85%,但产生的各种短链NP(1~3)EO和短链壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚酸酯(NPEC,Nonylphenol polyethoxycarboxylate)浓度区间为10~110 μg · L-1,碱性环境下两类物质总量最低,不足100 μg · L-1.耦合厌氧水解和好氧曝气的连续实验表明,增设填料的厌氧折板水解池出水中短链NP(1~3)EO的总浓度增至4000~5000 μg · L-1,这与厌氧环境下一部分NPEO附着在废水杂质和厌氧污泥上,在污泥龄较长的附着型污泥作用下,生成了大量的NP(1~3)EO有关;好氧段出水中NP(1~3)EO浓度降至230~610 μg · L-1,短链NPEC(NP(1~3)EC)总量上升到800~1000 μg · L-1,NP(1~3)EC由NP(1~3)EO转化来的可能最大.印染出水中NP及NP(1~3)EO受厌氧段出水中NP及NP(1~3)EO浓度影响明显.
  • Abstract:The degradation of nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEO), with a concentration of 6.25~12.5 mg · L-1 in the simulated alkaline denim dyeing wastewater, was investigated. The results of anaerobic batch experiment showed that the total concentration of NP and short-chain NPEO (NP(1~3)EO) was around 500~900 μg · L-1 although the removal efficiency of total NPEO was more than 50%. The increase in pH was benefit for the production of NP(1~3)EO but was not fit for the removal of NPEO. The results of aerobic batch test show that, the concentration of total short-chain NPEC (NP(1~3)EC) decreased to 100~200 μg · L-1 in effluent, although the removal of total NPEO was above 85%, and the acidic environment was better for the production of NP(1~3)EC. The continuous experiment of coupling anaerobic and aerobic processes showed that anaerobic sludge, with a longer sludge retention time, was helpful to accumulate NP and NP(1~3)EO to 4000~5000 μg · L-1. The total concentration of NP(1~3)EC in the effluent of the aerobic unit was elevated to 800~1000 μg · L-1 with a significant decrease of NP(1~3)EO. It was probably that the effluent NP(1~3)EO was the residual of the anaerobic process and the NP(1~3)EC was mostly transformed from NP(1~3)EO in the aerobic process.

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