- Application of titanium dioxide-loaded granular activated carbon in a dielectric barrier discharge reactor for degradation of methyl orange
- 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.21367002,51368004);广西自然科学基金项目(No.2014GXNSFAA118294);广西研究生教育创新计划资助项目(No.YCSZ2014044);广西大学"大学生创新创业训练计划"资助项目(No.141059317)
- 喻泽斌
- 1. 广西大学环境学院, 南宁 530004;2. 广西华蓝设计(集团)有限公司, 南宁 530011
- 摘要:采用介质阻挡放电(DBD)等离子协同颗粒活性炭负载TiO2(TiO2-GAC)对甲基橙进行降解,研究了该体系的协同处理效果,探讨了放电电压、初始pH、初始电导率、初始浓度和TiO2-GAC投加量等操作参数的影响,并建立了协同体系的表观反应动力学模型.实验结果表明,DBD与TiO2-GAC联合处理表现出明显的协同效应,处理25 min后,协同体系对甲基橙的降解率和COD去除率分别为96.2%和90%,与单独DBD体系相比,分别提高了52.7%和50.4%;协同体系降解甲基橙的过程符合表观反应动力学模型,模型值与实验值吻合良好,总级数为2.352;体系中H2O2、O3浓度测定结果表明,与单独DBD体系对比,协同体系的H2O2浓度增高,而O3浓度降低,说明TiO2-GAC起到了催化作用;TiO2-GAC在DBD体系中获得了原位再生,五次再生循环后再生率达80%.
- Abstract:The application of titanium dioxide-loaded granular activated carbon (TiO2-GAC) in a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactor for degradation of methyl orange (MO) was investigated. Several factors, such as peak voltage, pH, solution conductivity, MO concentration and TiO2-GAC content, and the effect of TiO2-GAC in the combined treatment of DBD and TiO2-GAC were considered to explore the applicability, and a reaction kinetics model was established. Experimental results indicated that a synergistic effect appeared in the combined treatment, where degradation efficiency and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal rate were 96.2% and 90% after a 25 minutes reaction. Compared to DBD, the degradation efficiency and COD removal rate increased 53.7% and 50.4% in DBD combined with TiO2-GAC. The empirical kinetic equation of MO degradation fit well with the experimental data,with an overall reaction order of 2.352. The experimental data showed that with the addition of TiO2-GAC, concentration of H2O2 increased while O3 decreased in DBD reactor, which suggested that TiO2-GAC catalyst induced a well catalytic effect in the combined treatment. The regeneration efficiency of TiO2-GAC was about 80% after five times DBD regeneration cycles, which confirmed the reuse feasibility of the regenerated GAC.
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